In life there are obviously gonna be things that get under your skin. You gotta try to not sweat the small stuff and let things go. Sometimes no matter what there are gonna be stupid little things that drive you insane.
The difference between just regular old pissed off and irrationally pissed is simply this....with something "regular" it's normal and probably drives most people insane like traffic, Hillary Clinton or people who are rude to wait staffs. With irrational anger it is caused by something that when you step away for a second can realize is not a huge deal and may be flat out insignificant but no matter what really grinds your gears and really pisses you off. Beautiful thing about irrational anger is that it's always changing so here is what I thought of yesterday, if I see something happening out and about or online it could easier bump on of these off. With all that being said he is my personal countdown of 10 things that really aren't a huge deal but drive me bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. — Ryan (@rhodydoz) March 21, 2016 10. WBRU Not Playing Alternative on Sundays
This one is very localized, if you don't live in Rhode Island (or near the border) you probably don't know what WBRU is.
BRU is only legit radio station in the state that plays alt rock, but they only do it 6 days a week. On Sunday's they totally change up their format and play rap. I love this station but it does have a lot of issues that piss me off....They play way too much Nirvana and other old over played rock...not enough newer stuff to give artists that are actually alive a chance, and some of the on air talent is straight up awful, l but no Alt rock on Sundays is by far their biggest injustice. Now I'm not totally against rap there is a lot of it that I like, but it drives me insane that BRU does this when there are multiple rap/hip-hop stations in RI and only 1 alternative one. On Sundays when you're driving and wanna hear the Black Keys, Mumford and Sons, Florence + the Machine or whatever other bands you like you're SOL. BRU needs to get rid of 360 on Sundays and play rock all week.
9. People Who Leave The Sticker on Their Fitted Hat
I'll admit I was guilty of this too back in the day when I was like 13 aka an idiot. This was cool like a decade ago but now if you do it you look like an ass hole. Trends die and you need to be able to stay with the times. There's literally no reason to do this in 2016, it looks so stupid, if you're out of middle school and still leave the sticker on your hat it's time to grow up.
8. Texting Non-iPhone Users
Admittedly, of all the things on this list, this is probably the most stupid thing to actually get mad about but here I am. Idk what is but just something about seeing the texts in green and not blue that rubs me the wrong way.
When texting with an apple user you can see when they are typing, if the message has been delivered and if they have read the message. These are all huge for when you're laying your heart out on the line to someone, in a fight or just are low key crazy (like me). I personally love seeing the dots for typing and then they end up not sending a text. That will make you wonder for hours what's going on. They are just nice features to have on your phone and when you are texting a peasant samsung or droid user it just isn't the same.
7. People Who Call Fall "Autumn"
This is also stupid but at the same time very serious. I just did a little research (looked it up on wikipedia) and apparently "Autumn" is the technical term but it is referred to as Fall in the U.S. and most of North America so thats the way it goes.There are four seasons, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Not autumn it's called fall, only try hard ass holes call it autumn. Overtime words change and lose their meaning....autumn is out and fall is in. Get with the times. Fall is my favorite season so I take this very personal.
It's the same with people that call dinner "supper" or over pronounce words. This is kind of an umbrella for people who try to stand out and show off by using stupid words and over pronouncing. If you say "matoor" instead of mature I hate your guts. My mom says "sow-ph-more" instead of sophomore and I love her and everything but it makes my blood boil, I've tried to correct her a million times but she still says it wrong. I get that there are different words and dialects across the country like some people may not like us Rhode Islanders calling water fountains bubblas but tough shit. It's a bubbla. You can eat dinner in the fall, but you don't have supper in autumn.
6. People who respond to texts with "K"
This is where things get a little more serious. There is nothing more frustrating than when you spend time with either an important or heartfelt text and just get "K" as a response. It's just rude. How hard is it to just say ok or actually maybe take the 5 seconds to text a proper response.
Don't be this kind of person. When someone sends you a text, use a little bit of manners and at least two letters to respond. IMO the biggest problem with texting communication is how it can be very difficult to tell the tone of the situation. I personally am pretty sarcastic and joke around a lot but sometimes the context can be tough to get through a text. When you send the dreaded "K" it comes off as rude IMO. If you do this simply to save time or whatever just know the person on the other end of the conversation may not take it the same way. Lets make the "K" text a thing of the past.
5. People Who Leave The Keyboard Volume Up On Their Phone
Third phone related pet-peeve but I promise this is the last one and will be quick. To me there's few things more annoying than when you're hanging out with people and they're texting with the keyboard volume on their phone. That clicking is so annoying and shouldn't even be a feature on an phone. With how often we all are on our phones we should have proper phone etiquette by now. Turn off the clicks. Nobody wants to hear that shit.
P.S. Turn the volume on your phone off too when texting. Nobody wants to constantly here a little chirp... Vibrate is king.
4. People Who Ask The Score Of A Game When It's On TV / Where It's Being Played
Now I understand not everybody as big into sports as I am. That's totally fine. I have no issue with that at all. We all like our own things.
What I do hate however is when I'm watching a game and someone asks the score. It's not 1968 anymore, there are graphics on the screen in every sport throughout the game that have the score, time left, and other specific things for whatever sport it down and yards to go in football or shot clock in basketball. Just look at the tv for .2 seconds and you'll be able to see what is going on. Same goes for when someone asks where the game is at. In some situations I get it, like the Super Bowl or NCAA tournament, anywhere really when it's on a neutral site and there's nothing that really distinguishes where the game is being played. But if I'm watching basketball if you just look at the court you'll be able to see to read a million things on the court that let you know where the game is being played.
Pretty easy to tell even to a non sports fan that the Celtics are playing at home here.
3. Local Rhode Island Businesses TV Commericals
Idk if its the low production value, awful attempts at humor or just the sleaziness of the people in the ads but I cannot stand local tv ads. Rob Levine....The Heavy Hitter and Jordan's Furniture are by far my least favorite. Theres a lot of other ones I can't stand either, Bob's Discount Furniture, Tarbox dealerships, Walt's Roast Beef, and so on and so forth.
There are a ton of awful local ads but something about Rob Levine makes me want to do bad things to good people. Whenever I see or hear Rob Levine I can feel my skin cringe. He's such a hardo, always trying to show off his arms and is always pandering using baseball as his number one selling point. New England loves the Red Sox and Rob Levine and Elliot from Jordan's Furniture know that and will shove it down your throat to try to make money.
Elliot from Jordan's just creeps me out. Something about him is just off. Probably the fact that he is bald and has a white ponytail. Time to give it up bud.
I could go on for hours but I just can't stand local ads. They have the worst jokes ever, are gimmicky as hell and are on tv way too often.
2. Beer Snobs and Bars That Don't Sell Bud Light
There is almost nothing worse than a beer snob. Probably a hipster, probably majored in something stupid, probably hates you because you like Bud/Miller/Coors light. They look down on you for drinking Bud know, the most popular beer in the United States.
They love their home-brewed, quadruple hop, twice brewed, mega barley, ultra rare, 18.3 APV IPA's that taste like old coffee mixed with dirty bath water. Some beer whose name is usually like two sentences long. These are the people who are constantly talking about the APV in their beer and basically are trying to show off with how into beer they are. Newsflash nobody cares or is impressed. If that's what you like cool, drink it idgaf. But don't think you're better than me or anybody else because we're drinking Bud Light. I like a lot of different beers too and even some craft beers but sometimes you gotta go with the classic. Bud Light is basically the Diet Coke of beers. At the end of the day we're all drinking for the same reasons, to relax and unwind....Maybe to forget. Just don't give me a hard time because I enjoy the most popular beer in America. The only time it's okay to be a beer snob is when someone is drinking like Keystone or Natty after they're 18. Grow up and spend a couple more bucks for Bud or Coors. Just kinda scummy. Do you drink Burnettes still too? With these people there is a runoff because some of them may actually own bars and refuse to sell Bud Light. Usually they'll say something alone the lines of "that's water" or 'that's not even beer" it's such a try hard move. You're only gonna upset the customer. I love going to Piano Bar in Providence but they don't sell Bud Light. It's a joke, it's hands down the most popular beer in America but you are too good for it? ...Okay
1. People Who Give Their Dog a "Human Name"
I'm a big dog lover. They are approximately 2802483947234921202840923675092 times better than cats in literally millions of ways. The only edge cats have over dogs is that they are basically born house broken and they can fall from decently high heights and not get hurt...Hate cats but thats pretty bad ass, I'll give credit where credit is due.
Getting a dog is a big deal and one of the first things you need to do is give it a name so it has an identity and will make training much easier. There are some monsters out there who will name a dog like John or Mark. That is lunacy to me. There are human names and there are dog names. Dog names are supposed to be cool or cute. Not named after your weird uncle or something. Obviously there are some exceptions. IMO if it is a weird name or something old that can be kind of cool sometimes. But you don't want to be naming your dog Bill or Susan. Just doesn't work. This is sort of rare because most people know this is how society and life works but whenever I meet someone and they have a dog with a traditional human name idk why but it pisses me off wicked bad. It's almost unforgivable and that is what puts that at number 1 on my list. So what do you think? What are somethings that in the grand scheme of things are huge deal but just really piss you off? Feel free to share in the comments if you agree/disagree or think theres something I missed.
3/22/2016 09:01:46 am
Old people love leaving their volume up on their phones. Its always old people who think its rude to use your phone then have their ringer go off loud as fuck ten minutes later.
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