Via USA Today (Leigh Ann Arthur taught in Union, S.C., for 13 years. Then her decision to leave her unlocked phone on her desk on Feb. 19 put an end to her career. While she was on hall patrol duty for five minutes in between classes, the engineering and computer programming teacher at Union County Career and Technical Center says a 16-year-old student grabbed her phone and found a nude photo she had taken for her husband for Valentine's Day, per NBC News and WSPA. "He took pictures from his cell phone of that and then he told the whole class that he would send them to whoever wanted them," Arthur tells WSPA. After class, the student told her, "Your day of reckoning is coming," Arthur says. It was only later she found out the photo had been seen. The student indeed shared the photo through texts and on social media, superintendent David Eubanks tells WYFF, adding Arthur was given the choice to resign or go through a process for dismissal. She resigned last Tuesday. "I think we have a right to privacy, but when we take inappropriate information or pictures, we had best make sure it remains private," Eubanks tells the State. Arthur says the student hasn't been punished. She plans to press charges and has also complained to the Union Public Safety Department, which is investigating. "The whole premise of my privacy being invaded is being ignored and that's what's wrong," she says. Some 1,000 people have signed a petition to have her job restored, though Arthur says she's not sure if she'd take it. (In neighboring North Carolina, teenagers are the ones facing trouble over racy photos.) If you didn't know, I went to school to be a teacher. It was something I loved, and frankly still do. Teaching was fun to me. I think teachers have one of the most important jobs around. Teachers are responsible for shaping the youth who will eventually grow up to be part of society. There is a ton of responsibility with the job. School is not just about learning about the core subjects but it is also where you learn how to be a normal person who hopefully one day can contribute to society. In some cases teachers are spending more time around the student than their parents are and it is important for them to take the job seriously and do all they can to help kids and try to make their lives better. However to me there are a bunch of huge flaws in the education system and in the way teachers are treated. Those are part of the real reasons I haven't put myself out there to become a teacher because I don't know if I want to be part of such a backwards system that is all about catering way too much to what parents believe. If there is ever a problem in schools they don't do anything minor to fix it, no instead they go to the absolute extreme. To briefly sum up that article, a teacher left her phone on her desk to watch the halls between classes. During that short time period a student went through her phone, found a naked picture, took a picture of it and then sent the picture all around school. So who got in trouble? Any normal person would think the student, right? Well no, of course not because that is not how schools work anymore, no, the teacher was fired because of what happened. To me that is absolutely ridiculous. Now I understand educators are held to a different standard than a lot of other professions, I learned a lot about that in college. A teacher can't have a picture on the internet of them holding a beer because God forbid you see a picture of a 45 year old man holding a Bud Light. It is stupid. We need to remember that teachers are normal people too who have lives outside of school. This is soooooooooo insane to me. I've noticed it a lot more in the past few years where schools frequently take the side of the student because they don't want to upset parents because God forbid should some shitty parent who did an awful job raising their child be told so. There is no accountability. It wasn't like this that long ago, I was still in high school in 2010 where kids were still accountable for their actions. When did kids become allowed to get away with whatever they want and not have consequences? What happened to respecting authority figures? Whenever I got in trouble no matter what my dad would side with the adult even if I actually was in the right.
What happened to accountability and right or wrong? Now should the teacher have had a passcode on her phone, probably? But how about the student, who fucking went onto her desk and rifled through her phone? HOW IS THAT OKAY AND NOT BEING ADDRESSED? I used to be a class clown and sometimes a trouble maker in my younger days but never in a million years would I EVER consider doing something like this. How is there no consequence for this kids actions? Do these kids think you could just go through a female teacher's purse too? With the Erin Andrews' hotel peephole video back in the news as it is currently in court, despite people thinking it may have been a publicity stunt which is quickly being proven to be false, we remember that she was the victim, she had naked video of her posted against her will. This teacher IMO is in a very similar situation. She is the victim, what this kid did is wrong and despicable and he/she should be punished severely. Not the teacher. School Administers are getting out of control and it feels like make no decisions with common sense. Now again, this teacher probably should have had a passcode on here phone, but that doesn't just make it okay for students completely invade a teachers privacy and then distribute what they find. Hopefully Leigh Ann Arthur will be able to find work soon. More importantly this student should be expelled and hopefully face the proper legal ramifications.
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