Song: Shine A Little Light Artist: The Black Keys Album: Let's Rock The Black Keys are BACK! Full review soon.
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Today may be worse for fans of "The Office" than the day Kevin infamously dropped an entire pot of his chili on the carpet. The beloved NBC comedy will be leaving Netflix in 2021 and heading to the network's new streaming service.
All nine seasons of the sitcom will be available on NBC's yet-to-be launched streaming service for five years, beginning in 2021, according to a Tuesday press release. NBC announced it secured the domestic streaming rights to the hit. 'The Office' is one of our most prized series, and we are thrilled it has found an exciting new home where generation after generation will continue to discover and rediscover Michael Scott's most cringe-worthy moments, Jim and Pam's will-they-or-won't-they, and the incredible quirky ensemble that makes each episode a masterclass in comedy," said Universal Television president Pearlena Igbokwe, according to the release. The comedy, which ran for nearly eight years, was streamed for over 52 billion minutes in 2018 and was the most-watched show on Netflix last year, according to the Wall Street Journal. The second spot was held by another network hit, "Friends." Netflix commented on the show's departure Tuesday. "We're sad that NBC has decided to take The Office back for its own streaming platform — but members can binge watch the show to their hearts' content ad-free on Netflix until January 2021," Netflix tweeted. NBC's ad-supported streaming service is set to launch in 2020. It will feature "some of the world's most popular television and film franchises, including homegrown original programming, as well as content from outside partners," the release said. "The Office" premiered on NBC in 2005 and was adapted from the hit BBC show of the same name. The hit is largely responsible for catapulting some of Hollywood's biggest stars into the limelight, including John Krasinski, Mindy Kaling and Steve Carell. In the words of Andy Bernard — and now likely fans everywhere: "I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days, before you've actually left them." via:
After years of rumors, it's actually happening; The Office is leaving Netflix (in 2021)
As I am currently more shook than Meredith was after getting hit by Michael's PT Cruiser, please allow me to express my emotions in gif form.
Now that I've gotten that out of my system, let's do a little reflection.
When someone tries to explain how streaming rights work.
"BuT DoZo, yOu CaN jUsT sUbScRiBe tO tHe NeW NbC StReAmInG aPp tO WaTcH tHe OfFicE"
Just what we all need: another streaming service to "alleviate" the high costs of cable.
As a huge (literally and figuratively) fan of The Office it hurts to admit (especially with its popularity in my youth) but I didn't watch The Office regularly until after Steve Carell left the show.
I mean, I knew about The Office and had seen bits and pieces, but let's be real; back in the late 2000's/early 2010's streaming was in its infancy. Unless you bought the DVDs you couldn't really catch up with a show unless you were really good at maneuvering a DVR. Even if that was the case, the likelihood of whatever program you're looking for being aired chronologically was minimal at best. Plus if you were like me and living at home you were low on the DVR rights Totem pole and subject to your dad deleting all your shows to have room on the DVR to record the same episode of Modern Marvels six times because he didn't know you can change the settings to only record the new episodes.
Being an idiotic 19 year old I didn't know a lot. One thing I did know was that someday thanks to the internet and streaming The Office would become the most popular one of the most beloved and pop culturally relevant shows ever. You gotta know those references! Having this foresight, I signed up for Netflix in 2011 specifically for The Office. I ended up binging the first 7 seasons in a tad over 3 weeks (11/30/11-12/25/11) and was hooked quicker than the amount of time Toby's hand was on Pam's knee. The Office was the first show I ever binged on Netflix. As a sentimental guy and huge Office fan I'm pretty sad to see it go. You never forget your first. Obviously there are a handful of more important issues worldwide, but with the quintessential "screw it, I'm done looking for something to watch" show (as of January 2021) gone from Netflix it's gonna be tough to move forward. Now you'll have to argue with your friends even longer before finally agreeing on something to have on in the background while you look at snapchat. Like many other lameos on the internet, I made the same shitty jokes about Netflix basically being a monthly subscription to own the DVDs of The Office, but as the say in comedy, it's funny because it's true. For like 3 years all I watched on Netflix was The Office and like 4 other shows. I'm quite intrigued to see what percentage of Netflix subscribers will leave when the rights for The Office expire. I saw a stat today that The Office made up for 3% of all streams on Netflix in 2018; crazy considering how many other options there are readily available. Now that we know it's gone that age old question "Is it better to die suddenly or have time to prepare and say goodbye?" comes into play. Do you want to go quick or suffer? The one good thing about The Office leaving Netflix is that its in 2021 which has like a 14% chance of not even happening. If the world ends by then at least may technically not ever have to live without The Office on Netflix. Like all losses, people react in a variety of ways. What stage of grief are you in?
1. Denial
2. Bargaining
3. Depression
4. Anger
5. Acceptance.
P.S. I legitimately have re-watched The Office at least 15 times over the last 8 years. While its one of my favorite shows ever, it did sort of get to the point where it fell out of my "Netflix rotation" since there's so much great content on Netflix. It's re-watchable AF but with only so many hours in the day to stream you have to make sacrifices. Double P.S. That being said, something light-hearted like The Office is an absolute necessity for me after watching something dark and heavy late at night. I don't get how people can watch Ted Bundy shows then go right to sleep without a comedic-palate cleanser.
On Sunday night like a lot of people in this region I was watching Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Final. I was with four of my cousins and one of their gfs at a Buffalo Wild Wings. Crushing Garlic Parm Boneless wings (hands down the best sauce available at BWW) as the Bruins were winning 1-0 in the 3rd period of a must win game.
S/o Marchand.
The mood was awesome and we were having a great time.
Then around 10 pm I got a notification saying David Ortiz had been shot in the Dominican Republic and everything changed.
Quickly my facade of giving a shit about the Bruins evaporated. I dove deep like Frédéric Dumas into my phone constantly looking for updates on Big Papi's condition. Refreshing twitter legitimately every 2 seconds. I felt badly about it because I wanted to be more present in the moment with my family, but I mean it's Big Papi. I couldn't believe what I was reading. I was terrified. Is David Ortiz seriously going to die? Why would someone shoot David Ortiz?? Why are people such fucking ass holes? Seeing it happened in the Dominican was even more shocking because Papi is literally a God to those people for all the good he's done for the community. At first we were told he was shot in the leg. In the moment all I was thinking about was get this dude to Boston where he can get real treatment, but I understand it's not entirely that simple. Normally a shot to the leg isn't fatal, but I would presume getting shot in the leg in a 3rd world country is a lot getting shot in the leg during the Civil War. After reading this tweet my heart sank as if it were attached to an anchor.
When it came out that he was actually shot in the back and it went through his abdomen I was a wreck. Threat level midnight. I'm no anatomy wiz, but that is just is so much more serious when you think of all the organs the bullet could've ripped through. He's already had his gallbladder removed. To think that someone would go after him in his homeland (we'll open that can of worms shortly) where he is responsible for soooooo much positivity was mind-boggling. Sadly the truth in this world is that it only takes one nut job to ruin everything.
Just the night before the shooting, I was at PVDfest with some friends when shots were fired. I heard them behind me and started really earning that (bull) Dozah nickname again. Luckily nobody was shot, but in the moment you don't fucking know that. You try not to live your life in constant fear, but it's hard to not nowadays. My friends and I somehow got into a crowd where let's just say... I did not feel at home. Plus we were packed to brim. It was a nightmare, I have wicked bad anxiety as it is and being a fat dude it's already amplified, I feel bad when I try to squeeze through and don't want to be up in up in people's mouths. Being stuck in a crowd where I feel trapped with no exit route is in my personal hell on earth. Literally seconds before the gunshots I said this is my fucking nightmare and some stranger overheard me and said "me too". You assume the worst, similarly to what happened Sunday. Sure it seems like David will be okay, but in the moment you don't know that. This world is a scary place and as fucked up as it is to think, PVDfest is a lunatic's wet dream. People are out just having a good time and extremely vulnerable. The same thing happened to David Sunday night. He was at a bar just talking to people, having a good time. Then some baby-back bitch shot him from behind. I bring that up because it made me reflect and take a step back on how quickly everything can be taken away. Don't call the cliché police but I just thought about how precious life is and that everyday is a gift. I'll be the first to admit I take way too much for granted and moments like Saturday and Sunday night really puts shit in perspective. You think nothing is going to happen to you, why would someone go after me? But as we've seen countless times in this country that totally innocent people are gunned down seemingly every hour. All this unnecessary violence makes me so damn angry. I fucking hate guns. What kind of world are we living in where someone like David Ortiz has a hit on his life? There were some instances of people saying things like "why go back?" or that Papi had been tipped off that he was in danger, but like he said on April 20th, 2013 "nobody gonna dictate our freedom". Depending on when I finish this blog we're essentially 48 hours after the news broke that David Ortiz was shot in the Dominican Republic. At first it was reported he was shot in the leg in a robbery, but we all know now what really went down. David was shot in the back by an absolute coward. I mean the elephant in the room is that he may have been fucking some drug kingpin's wife so there was a hit out on him. That's some serious shit, but I mean I know essentially nothing about the situation. It does make perfect sense as a motive, but regardless of what may or may not have happened leading up to the shooting I'm not going to judge or assume until all the facts are out. It appears (as of now) that David Ortiz is going to make a full recovery but I don't even like saying that until it's certain. What occurred Sunday night has me like many other people shook tf up. Pedro put it perfectly.
I overuse love a lot when it comes to sports and athletes but I legitimately love David Ortiz. (goodbye-big-papi.html) Papi is so much more than a baseball player, he's an icon. Keenan Thompson does him on SNL, how many other baseball players have been relevant on SNL the last 15 years? He's beloved by all, even Yankee fans (who felt they had to make sure they let you know they were a Yankee fan before tweeting that they hope he doesn't die).
I spent 2016 following his final season like a dead head. I wish I got to more games, but I was able to go to his final regular season game at Fenway. It was a horrible game and I'm pretty sure Papi went 0-5, but to be there for the ceremonies honoring his career and impact is something I'll always appreciate, especially since I got to experience it with my mom. Papi is the most clutch hitter in baseball history, and by all accounts a fantastic dude. (I'm a big anti-cheating guy, but with athletes and celebrities I feel like there's this gray area. It's a lot different when they cheat compared to like your uncle because they don't live in the real world)
What David did in 2013 for the city of Boston will never be forgotten. He helped Boston rally around the Red Sox during a tragedy and what he said at Fenway on April 20th, 2013 is how everybody felt.
I've said for years I think he's the most important player in Red Sox history and we cannot lose him yet. If you want to say Ted Williams was a better baseball player I'm not gonna argue with you. IMO when it comes to overall legacy and changing the entire culture of this franchise; David Ortiz is the first name that comes to mind.
Get well soon, Big Papi. There are so many people out there who love you. Stay strong.
Oh June 5th, you have quite the history;
1968: Robert F. Kennedy was shot down by Sirhan Sirhan (would you believe he's still alive??) in the kitchen of the Ambassador hotel (RFK lived another 26 hours and died on the 6th so that's the official assassination date).
S/o Rosey Grier
2017: Almost as tragic; Ke$ha's hug attempt on Jerry Seinfeld was shot down. One of my favorite weird internet moments of all time. Who would've ever guessed these two would cross paths this way? Jerry Seinfeld is definitely is NOT a hugger, and of course he didn't know who Kesha was. He's Jerry fucking Seinfeld. Jer isn't waking up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy (although I bet Diddy loves cereal too)
2019: On the 11th anniversary of (after getting stabbed) the most infamous moments of his career; Paul Pierce admits the wheelchair he used in Game 1 of the 2008 NBA Finals was because he had take a shit.
For those who somehow read DOL, but do not know of this moment and need some background:
Talk about total life altering news.
*to the tone of Bob the Builder* "Paul-the-poooo-per-ne-eds!-a!-wheel!--chair. Paul-the-poooo-per-just-came-cleannn." I don't know if I've ever related to one of my favorite athletes more than right now. As a hugeee shit at the absolute worst time(s) guy, I totally get it. Now whether Paul just needed an excuse to get to the NOW, I cannot move another inch without exploding OR if he had already made poopie in his diapie remains to be seen. Either happens. Hand up I've had both. There are lots of people who don't want to it admit it, but most adults have had (at-least) one "I was not expecting that to be poop" accident. It's the worst. But what are you gonna do? I say laugh at it. Like the classic literary tale once said: Everyone Poops. Sure, in the moment it may not be easiest thing to do, and I'm sure that's exactly how the Truth felt. When it's happening all you can do is pray you make it to bowl. Really sucks for him back then the NBA was way more strict about wearing white at home. If the Celtics had on those fugly black jerseys maybe he could've gotten away more gracefully? I remember in the moment thinking "holy shit the series is over". I thought he blew out his knee. I was I was a sophomore in HS and lived and died with this team. The road to the finals had already been much rockier than expected. At the time I, like many people thought the captain andddddddddddd the Truth had a serious knee injury. We didn't know he'd return minutes later (weighing less!) For all these years people have speculated what was going on with the Truth. Wtf happened? Was he faking it? He looked as if he too had been shot down by full limp and needing the assistance of a wheelchair to get to the locker-room. HOLD UP WAIT A MINUTE.. IN BLOG BREAKING NEWS. PAUL IS BACK IN THE POOP CLOSET
I'm still running with it anyways!
October 2024