Sometimes you gotta just tip your cap to an icon. Say what you want about T-Swift (I'm not like anti-T Swift, but I definitely don't follow her like I did 8-10 years ago), but this is an accomplishment I never thought was possible. The ENTIRE Top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100 is made up of Taylor Swift songs.
— Doz #HireDozo (@DozonLife) October 31, 2022
For the first time in the 64+ year history of the Billboard Hot 100, one artist has a monopoly on the Top 10. Apparently, Drake held 9/10 spots last September, which is crazy in its own right (although streaming has completely changed how the charts are determined). According to Billboard, the Hot 100 blends all-genre U.S. streaming (official audio and official video), radio airplay, and sales data. Streaming changed the game for artists to truly control the charts.
Back in the day (which, according to the top comedian of 2006, Dane Cook, was a Wednesday), nobody released ten songs at once. I mean, sure, technically, albums sort of do that, but I'm talking about releasing tracks as singles. That's why the Beatles holding the entire Top 5 in 1964 (something I've referenced many times in the seven calendar year history of DOL) was such a monumental accomplishment. Taylor Swift literally just doubled that. Times have changed. The Beatles were the first artist to hold the Top 5 in 1964, and nobody replicated that until 2021. Artists used to drag out singles to promote an album for like two years. Look at any significant album from 1980-2015~ on Wikipedia that had more than three singles, they're usually released months apart.
That's not to discount Taylor's accomplishments; it's just to give a little history and background to how the music industry once operated.
I've heard some of Taylor's latest album because I had passengers request/force me to play the album, or they'd threaten to jump out of the 'scape, and I'll admit I don't hate it. I'm not gonna bash the people who make Taylor Swift their personality because you could probably say the same about me with Tame Impala, reefer, Boston Sports, wanting to work for Barstool, being a hashtag good guy, or using food to cope with mental health issues. People are out here just trying their best, and if Taylor Swift makes you happy, good for you. Credit to her fans for stuffing the ballot with their dedication. Hopefully, they'll show up on election day to help defeat fascism, but if they don't, at least we know their streams set a pretty cool record!
via: Billboard.
These are the 10 tracks that helped Taylor set this record with their respective data. Rank, Title: Streams / Airplay Audience / Sales: No. 1, “Anti-Hero”: 59.7 million streams / 32 million in airplay audience / 13,500 sold No. 2, “Lavender Haze”: 41.4 million / 2.4 million / 2,800 No. 3, “Maroon”: 37.6 million / 471,000 / 2,900 No. 4, “Snow on the Beach,“ feat. Lana Del Rey: 37.2 million / 615,000 / 2,600 No. 5, “Midnight Rain”: 36.9 million / 449,000 / 2,200 No. 6, “Bejeweled”: 35.5 million / 1.6 million / 16,100 No. 7, “Question…?”: 31 million / 425,000 / 21,400 No. 8, “You’re on Your Own, Kid”: 34.1 million / 498,000 / 1,500 No. 9, “Karma”: 33 million / 1.9 million / 3,400 No. 10, “Vigilante Shit”: 32.2 million / 424,000 / 6,400
S/O Chad and Josey getting some love here.
Song: Somebody's Watching Me (1984) Artist: Rockwell Album: Somebody's Watching Me Happy Halloween from your friends at!
I mean, this doesn't directly affect my life in any way whatsoever, but it's still sad to see. As a hashtag good guy, I root for the vast majority of marriages to succeed, and it's a real shame to see these two (former) lovers reach a breaking point in their lifelong union of love.
As a Tom Brady fan, I can't help but be a little bummed out to see the Baltimore Ravens again get the best of TB12. They ended his season in 2009 (technically 2010) and 2012 (technically (2013), and now after a loss on TNF to drop to multiple games below .500 for the first time in his career, they ended his marriage. Of course, with stories of ultimatums and rumors of issues dating back to their days in New England, perhaps it was only a matter of time before these two beautiful specimens could no longer make it. Either way, I feel bad for their kids. Sure, two Christmases with Tom and Gisele trying to outdo each other will be sick for a few years, but the awkwardness and tension when they both start fucking slam pieces will be a lot to handle. No amount of money can prepare you for that. I am a little morbidly curious to see how Brady handles this newly single life in his mid-40s. More plastic surgery? Could we see him be surprisingly progressive and join Gronk and Camille Kostek in a throuple situation?
Whatever happens, I'm wishing for the best for Tom and Gisele. It brings me no pleasure to see their marriage end. I wouldn't hate to see a Crazy, Stupid, Love like rekindling but Vivi is way too young to fall for a Ryan Gosling type that helps Tom improve his style, swag and not take his wife for granted.
I'm a photoshop master.
Song: Great Balls of Fire (1957)
Artist: Jerry Lee Lewis
Rest in piss you creep! (also this dude couldn't even fucking sing)
Here's a great skit based on this now dead scumbag.
The divorce proceedings between Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen have reportedly heated up since the pair hired divorce lawyers, and the latter is giving the Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback one last chance to settle matters.
Bündchen has reportedly hired the same divorce attorney who represented Tiger Woods and Jeff Gordon in their respective splits. Brady, 45, and Bündchen, 42, have agreed to look out for their children as they decide on how to divide assets. Close friends of the couple hope the two can reconcile their differences for the sake of their two kids plus a third child Brady had with actresses Bridget Moynahan. Some noted Brady needs to “bend” to Bündchen, especially after going back on his decision to retire from the NFL this past offseason. This “indifference” seems to be the root of the problems between the couple who have been married since 2009, but Bündchen has reportedly given the seven-time Super Bowl champion an “ultimatum,” according to Us Weekly. “Gisele told Tom either he leaves football to spend time with the family or she is gone for good,” an insider told Us Weekly in an issue published Wednesday. The biggest worry for Bündchen is the QB’s health as the insider added: “She doesn’t want him to continue to get injured and not be able to enjoy life in the future. She is doing it for her family.” It’s an understandable fear on Bündchen’s part. The NFL has sought to tighten up it’s concussion protocol in response to the Miami Dolphins’ handling of Tua Tagovailoa. The third-year quarterback suffered multiple concussions in a matter of weeks, and it called into question how much the league cares about player safety. While it is a risk all football players take when they step on the field, the burden is no less greater on the family members of those players. “Obviously, I have my concerns — this is a very violent sport, and I have my children and I would like him to be more present,” Bündchen told Elle in their October 2022 cover story, per Us Weekly. “I have definitely had those conversations with him over and over again. But ultimately, I feel that everybody has to make a decision that works for (them). He needs to follow his joy, too. “I’ve done my part, which is (to) be there for (Tom). I moved to Boston (when he played for the New England Patriots), and I focused on creating a cocoon and a loving environment for my children to grow up in and to be there supporting him and his dreams. … Seeing my children succeed and become the beautiful little humans that they are, seeing him succeed, and being fulfilled in his career — it makes me happy. At this point in my life, I feel like I’ve done a good job on that.” Brady and Bündchen reportedly are living apart during the divorce process, but hopefully their situation can get better sooner rather than later.
Even though Tom Brady left the New England Patriots to ring chase with the lowly Buccaneers, he'll always be my guy. I love Tom Brady. I know (hope) once he retires, he'll go back to being "FOREVER A PATRIOT," like he said after he left us right as the world stopped for a global pandemic. Still, even with him betraying all of New England after a two-decade relationship, (yes, I know Belichick played a significant role in pushing him out, but it still fucking sucks to see him not play here for his entire career) I hate to see his life get to this point .
I'm sure some vindictive Patriot fans are happy to see Brady's personal life in shambles because he left the Pats, but I am not one of those people. As a child of divorce, Brady's marriage with the Patriots was the most stable relationship in my life growing up. Except for my junior year of high school when he tore his ACL, Tom Brady was the QB of the Patriots from when I was in 4th grade until I was 28 years old. That's a long fucking time, basically my whole life. I've said it a million times, but he's responsible for some of my most cherished memories. Even when he denied my autograph as a boy, that gave me a story for the rest of my life. Sure he's a fucking weirdo, but he's our weirdo and the greatest winner in NFL history. He IS the New England Patriots.
***had a son
I get it; he's one of the greatest competitors of all time and definitely doesn't want to go out the way he's currently playing, but seriously, what else does he have to prove? Seven Super Bowl rings (more than any TEAM). Three MVPs. Basically, every meaningful record. Regardless of whether he approves of the nickname, he's the GOAT.
Sure, as a fat/fuck with no self-esteem, I've only been in a couple of real relationships, but I think I still have some decent advice from my experience and being a human who's talked to other people about these situations. To me, it's a simple question. Do you still love Gisele? Because if you do, just fucking retire bro. Think of the life you two made with each other. You have so much invested in one another. She's been with you for over half your career and made plenty of sacrifices along the way so you could chase your dreams. Think back at all those Super Bowls. She was there, even for the not-so-fun ones.
It's time to repay her and come home. Like, this Bucs team will not win the Super Bowl, so what's the point? Do you really want to ruin your children's lives? Two Christmases aren't worth it! Think about all the great memories of the Super Bowls you've won, and I'm sure all the cool shit you guys have done as a family that the public doesn't know about. Do you want to watch videos of the Super Bowl XLIX and LI comebacks and be reminded of the gorgeous wife you lost because you wouldn't put your family first?
How many more years do you seriously wanna play? You already retired for like a half hour earlier this year. I get it, bro. You were nasty last year and could've won MVP. With the way the Bucs lost in the playoffs, I'm sure it left a sour taste in your mouth, and you just didn't wanna go out that way but guess what, bro? Father Time is undefeated. Maybe you are better than the numbers indicate, but it just isn't going to happen this year. It'd be one thing if you were like a Dan Marino type desperately trying to win a ring; YOU HAVE SEVEN. There's nothing left for you to prove. If anything, retiring mid-season to save your marriage would probably be the best career move for you, your image, and the well-being of the ones you allegedly love. Maybe she'll even let you finish the season, but if it's really "retire or it's over." Just retire. Think about that story for a second. Talk about a storybook ending. It's like the plot of every rom-com ever. They meet, they fall in love, someone fucks up, and it's on the rocks, then they make this grand gesture to save things, they kiss, and the movie's over. That would win you so many points with the general public. It'd be seen as a selfless move even though you've been incredibly selfish during this ordeal- not exactly the worst deal, bro! Now, if you don't love Gisele anymore, and don't care about your kids, then sure, keep playing. Find some fresh young pussy to have hot meaningless sex with and see your kids like twice a month. Go 9-8 and maaaybe make it to the Divisional Round, but like, what's the end game here? Do you think you can play another 2-3 years? You're in your fucking mid-40s, Tommy. Be there for your kids before they're grown up and resent you for missing their lives. Spoiler Alert: everybody who's ever lived will eventually die. As much as I'd love reincarnation to be a thing, IDK if you can count on that, so this life is all you've got. Like Prison Mike told the employees of Dunder Miflin, "you've got a good life." Gisele loves you and wants to save things. You can fix this. Look at Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor. You say you're about the team, but are acting like a selfish ass hole. Don't throw away your family to throw passes to fucking Cade Otton. Go live a sick life with your supermodel wife, three kids, seven rings and what has to be billions of dollars at this point. Song: Only You (2018) Artist: Theophilus London featuring Tame Impala Album: Bebey I feel like this may have been a SOD in the past, but I don't care!!! It's one of the best covers I've ever heard. Every time this song comes on Ryan Radio (apple music) I listen at least twice. Such a banger. P.S. The Boston Red Sox broke the curse of the Bambino 18 years ago today. S/O Tito Francona. Wow, back to back days with a Double P.S. on a SOD blog
Sometimes, I look at this website This Day in Music to get inspirations for SODS....kind of weird to commemorate this one IMO.
Here's a little inside baseball about your favorite undiscovered niche blogger. I love to hate-watch WatchMojo videos on Youtube. If you're unfamiliar with them, WatchMojo is a Youtube channel that puts out multiple Top 10 (and sometimes Top 20) list videos daily. They're based out of Canada, and THIS links to their wiki if you're tryna do some more research after you finish reading this blog. I don't know when I started watching WatchMojo since the last three years have morphed into one big blob of depression and weight gain, but I suppose that detail isn't pertinent. Just know I've watched hundreds if not thousands of WatchMojo videos on to fill the void that is existence.
Wow, that was super dark, but spoiler alert, so is life! People literally murder and rape each other all the time. It's super fucked up and something that I am personally against (hashtag good guy), but that doesn't stop it from happening. People are fascinated by these horrors. It's why true crime is so popular, and there have been more Law and Order and CSI spinoffs than you can shake a stick you made out of human remains at. Wow, what a seamless Jeffrey Dahmer reference by yours truly! I used the term hate-watch because WatchMojo's videos usually aren't good, but I can spend hours watching. They're formulaic, which I guess can be soothing. I mean, there's a lot of production value, but I don't understand what goes into making their Top 10 (and sometimes Top 20) videos. Is there a panel? Who gets to decide? There's also a considerable recency bias. I like current SNL, but when WatchMojo makes an SNL list, it's like they forgot the show existed before 2010. Don't even get me started on how bad their sports related vids are. One of my favorite things about WatchMojo is how they've recently stopped ranking Top 10 (and sometimes Top 20) for darker topics and instead just call it "10 whatever the sad or gross subject is" while clearly still doing the video as a Top 10 (and sometimes Top 20), just without the numbers.
Like I said, It's a recent change.
Like millions of other people, I watched Netflix's recent 10-part series on the life of Jeffrey Dahmer.
I'm torn because I totally understand the POV of the victims' families and people in general that are like, we don't need a 10-part Netflix series on one of the most prolific serial killers/cannibals/mannequin thieves of all time. I agree. I think the series could've easily shaved some time off. It's like how there were a bunch of Ted Bundy series and movies like two years ago. Do we really need all of this?
But it's also an important story that needs to be told. Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story tells the unfortunate truth that sometimes police officers suck at their job. Monster shows just how many times Dahmer could've been apprehended but wasn't. The story of Konerak Sinthasomphone is heartbreaking and a complete miscarriage of justice. IMO there's a fine line between necessary storytelling and exploiting tragedy for personal gain. This is where the "need" for continuous content is an issue. Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story debuted on Netflix on September 21st, 2022. How many videos about Jeffrey Dahmer do you think WatchMojo's made since that date? Let's take a look!
If you lost count, there are 11 video thumbnails here; 10 are specifically about Jeffrey Dahmer, and one is sort of a recent media catch-up video. But guess what? WatchMojo has sister channels and videos that highlight Dahmer's twistedness!
You can see I've watched some of these videos. I'll admit, I caught the Dahmer fever too. I watched the entire 10-episode series in less than a week. I watched the three-part series on his tapes from prison too. I understand people are fascinated by these stories because I'm one of them. I could speak about Jonestown for a half hour without any notes. It just blows my mind how this shit actually happens. I'm simply mentioning that WatchMojo has made at least 15 videos about Jeffrey Dahmer in the last monthish. You can see they're doing numbies, so I get why they're doing it. You get those clicks and ad revenue streams. But isn't it kind of fucked up for so many people (WatchMojo is far from the only publication doing this) to be profiting off of the fact that Jeffrey Dahmer killed at least 13 people and ate their fucking organs 30 years later? Call me a woke pussy bitch if you must, but idk man; this shit is kind of unsettling and something I just had to get off my chest. It feels like they're dropping a new Dahmer video saying the same shit every other day. I think after like idk, eight videos, it's fair to play the "this seems like exploiting a serial killer to make money" card.
P.S. THE WatchMojo lady Rebecca is a cutie. I do enjoy her voice.
Double P.S.
We've got another one. WatchMojo is milking Jeff for all they can!
Song: One Another (2017)
Artist: Mac DeMarco Album: This Old Dog
The world needs new Mac, but for now here's a classic with a great message. Plus it's sorta on brand for Halloween with the Skeleton aspect. Spppoooookkkyyyyy!
Double spooky feature? Sureeeee, why not? Tis the season after all.
Extremely rare on a song of the day blog DOUBLE P.S.
Happy Birthday Chizo! (I started that nickname btw) You might not support DOL, but I support you. I hope you have a great day and lose to me in fantasy this week, but that is quite unlikely since Mahomes and Kelce are on their bye. love you.
Going into the season, my expectations for the 2022 Patriots were, at best, cautiously optimistic. I didn't think this team was going to make the playoffs again. It was possible, but the AFC felt too loaded. Plus, they lost some key pieces on both sides of the ball and their offensive coordinator.
As ugly as the Dolphins game was, I didn't think the Pats were as bad as that score indicated. One of the Dolphins touchdowns was from a free rusher destroying Mac on the goal line. Outside of a busted coverage before half, the defense played well. After seven weeks of seeing what the Miami offense is capable of, I still think that. The Baltimore game was gross. Mac was awful and made reckless mistakes, but the defense couldn't get off the field. The last two games before MNF were incredible. The Pats looked fantastic in their throwbacks against the Lions, shutting out the then-highest-scoring team in the league. Zappe was efficient in his first start. The pick he threw was Agholor's fault. Rhomandre was a bell cow. Dugger had a defensive TD. It felt like a turning point, even though the Lions are the Lions. Then the next week, we beat the Browns on the road as a slight dog and frankly beat the doors off them. Even though things sort of got close for like 20 seconds, that game was a classic Patriot win. It felt like things were moving in the right direction. Looking back now, I/we should've realized beating the Detroit Lions and Cleveland Browns was fool's gold. At 3-3 (which should've been 4-2....Bill was way too conservative in the Packers game...gave it away), with the lowly Chicago Bears on MNF, this was the time for the Patriots to turn the corner. I legitimately thought the Bears had no chance. Not because the Patriots were so good, but because the Bears fucking suck. I follow a lot of Bears fans from Barstool and have eyes of my own. I've seen them play. They can't do anything offensively. I think they were 30th in the league going into MNF. This game had all the makings of a classic Patriots ass-kicking, regardless of who was at quarterback. I wanted to go to this game. Ticket prices were dirt cheap; I thought it was a guaranteed victory and said this to my buddy who needed Pats ML to close out a couple parlays.
In a night that saw two Boston teams play two Chicago teams, things got off to a great start.
But as New Found Glory said in 2004, it was all downhill from here.
Down 10-0, Zappe came in and instantly drove the team down the field for two quick touchdowns to take the lead. It really felt like we were seeing the end of Mac Jones's Patriot career in real-time. For about 20 minutes, the Pats found a way to take control of this game. That was ultimately not the case.
Credit to the Bears. They showed out in a must-win game (not that they're going anywhere this season). Justin Fields' numbers only tell part of the story. Whenever the Bears needed a third down, he picked it up. There were countless times it felt like the Pats had him dead to rites, only to escape and keep drives alive. I'm having a difficult time writing this blog. I've gotten distracted by twitter and IG at least 20 times and have a bunch of shit going on in my head. I don't need to recap everything that happened. We all watched and saw the wheels fall off in real-time. It just fucking sucks. After fighting back to get to .500, you think the Patriots are going to be something this year, and this is the perfect spot to get above .500, but basically, everything that could go wrong did. I'm not overreacting when I say the season is over. It's a bummer cause there's something there with this team, but this is legitimately one of the most shocking losses of my entire fandom. We didn't lose too much ground in the AFC standings, but with four losses already, you need like, a 7-3 finish to make the playoffs...MAYBE. What the fuck is going on at quarterback? Look, I've been on the Bailey bandwagon too. I tweeted #ZappeHour like 10 times, but the way the Pats handled Mac makes zero sense to me. Apparently, the plan was the play two QBs regardless of what happened. When has that ever worked? It doesn't. It's not like teams bringing in a Taysom Hill type of guy for running situations. Mac and Bailey are basically the same player. If Mac wasn't 100%, he sure was running like he was. In his defense, the play calling stunk while he was in, but his decision-making on the INT that ended up being his final play of the night was atrocious. **update** Apparently the pass hit one of ESPN's camera wires, but that pass was still a terrible decision on 2nd and 10.
I'm still gonna watch the games and care about this team, but I'm sorry we're dead. Dead as JFK. You can't get blown out at home, in prime time, against THIS Bears team. It's like getting shot in the head and neck during a parade. There's no coming back from that.
Now we've got a full-on quarterback controversy on our hands, and I feel a little bad for Mac. He was solid as a rookie and became a leader on this team. Obviously, guys around the league respect him, or else he wouldn't have been voted the 85th-best player in the league going into the season (although Blake Bortles was the 56th-ranked player by the players going into 2016). I hate to play the there are much bigger things in the world card, but it's the truth. I'm worried about my health, loved ones, job situation, fascism, and if I'm ever gonna get laid again before the world ends. I want the Patriots to do well, but this isn't a Super Bowl-caliber roster. It's not like the Celtics where there are legitimate championship aspirations. I'm fucking bummed about this game, but maybe it was the reality check we as fans needed? This team has some interesting pieces, but it's still flawed. We were spoiled during the Brady days, and it may be sacrilegious but I think it is fair to wonder if the game is passing Belichick by. I think he's still a good coach, but he's 70 years old and it's not the 1986 NFL anymore. You need speed, and the Patriots defense has little to none of that. I cannot believe he really "planned" for both QBs to play.
This blog has gone full-on ramble but that's okay; when you've written thousands over seven calendar years, not everything is Pulitzer worthy. I just can't believe the Patriots lost that game. It's a bummer. I'm shook. Right when I'm starting to believe we get doo-whopped by one of the worst teams in the NFL. Our defense got shredded. Sure we bent but didn't break at times, holding the Bears to field goals, but on the money downs, we were bankrupt. Credit to the Bears. I like the people of Chicago and am happy for them, but the 2022 Patriots are DEAD.
....unless we beat the Jets next week. P.S. Do not blame the silver pants. That putrid performance cannot and should not kill the silver pants.
Song: Groundhog Day (2022) Artist: Knuckle Puck Unlike the New England Patriots, emo is alive and well. |
October 2024