Oh June 5th, you have quite the history;
1968: Robert F. Kennedy was shot down by Sirhan Sirhan (would you believe he's still alive??) in the kitchen of the Ambassador hotel (RFK lived another 26 hours and died on the 6th so that's the official assassination date).
S/o Rosey Grier
2017: Almost as tragic; Ke$ha's hug attempt on Jerry Seinfeld was shot down. One of my favorite weird internet moments of all time. Who would've ever guessed these two would cross paths this way? Jerry Seinfeld is definitely is NOT a hugger, and of course he didn't know who Kesha was. He's Jerry fucking Seinfeld. Jer isn't waking up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy (although I bet Diddy loves cereal too)
2019: On the 11th anniversary of (after getting stabbed) the most infamous moments of his career; Paul Pierce admits the wheelchair he used in Game 1 of the 2008 NBA Finals was because he had take a shit.
For those who somehow read DOL, but do not know of this moment and need some background:
Talk about total life altering news.
*to the tone of Bob the Builder* "Paul-the-poooo-per-ne-eds!-a!-wheel!--chair. Paul-the-poooo-per-just-came-cleannn." I don't know if I've ever related to one of my favorite athletes more than right now. As a hugeee shit at the absolute worst time(s) guy, I totally get it. Now whether Paul just needed an excuse to get to the bathoom...like NOW, I cannot move another inch without exploding OR if he had already made poopie in his diapie remains to be seen. Either way...it happens. Hand up I've had both. There are lots of people who don't want to it admit it, but most adults have had (at-least) one "I was not expecting that to be poop" accident. It's the worst. But what are you gonna do? I say laugh at it. Like the classic literary tale once said: Everyone Poops. Sure, in the moment it may not be easiest thing to do, and I'm sure that's exactly how the Truth felt. When it's happening all you can do is pray you make it to bowl. Really sucks for him back then the NBA was way more strict about wearing white at home. If the Celtics had on those fugly black jerseys maybe he could've gotten away more gracefully? I remember in the moment thinking "holy shit the series is over". I thought he blew out his knee. I was I was a sophomore in HS and lived and died with this team. The road to the finals had already been much rockier than expected. At the time I, like many people thought the captain andddddddddddd the Truth had a serious knee injury. We didn't know he'd return minutes later (weighing less!) For all these years people have speculated what was going on with the Truth. Wtf happened? Was he faking it? He looked as if he too had been shot down by full limp and needing the assistance of a wheelchair to get to the locker-room. HOLD UP WAIT A MINUTE.. IN BLOG BREAKING NEWS. PAUL IS BACK IN THE POOP CLOSET
I'm still running with it anyways!
6/6/2019 08:04:25 pm
Damn the “the truth” is that he pooted
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