I blogged about it like two weeks ago (www.dozonlife.com/blogs/how-good-does-jimmy-g-have-to-play-to-take-tommys-job) and apparently a reporter must've been reading my blogs because he asked Bill belicheck that question today and got this response.
I'm sure everybody on twitter and on blogs has said the same thing so I'll be short. I fucking love this. We all know Belichick HATES talking to reporters, and more so hates stupid questions and he just showed a little bit of the inner workings of his genius brain, and showed how fed up he was with the bullshit. Bill knows Tom Brady is his guy. He has been his guy since 2001, and he will be until he cannot throw a football anymore. Obviously when I blogged it I knew it was kind of a stupid question because it's Tom Brady we're talking about. Greatest quarterback/human off all time. Some bum from a D 1-AA school isn't gonna steal his spot. BUTTTTTT I still think you cannot 100% write off Jimmy pulling a Brady to Brady, if he throws 30 touchdowns, as outlandish as that sounds, I feel like you gotta ride the hot hand. Love Bill showing off the guns too. He's ready to kick the entire NFL's ass this season and I for one cannot wait. The Red Sox have been really pissing me off this week and I need the Patriots to save me. Oh and fucking lock up Hightower, Collins and Butler longterm already. They are the future of this organization. Cannot let them get to free agency because someone will out pay the Pats and we'll lose our studs. P.S. I love this story even more because it brings up a old Tebow story from his brief time with the Pats. Legit breaks my heart that he is out of football. Tim Tebow is one of my top 10 favorite people of all time.
Peak Tebow.
1 Comment
Dodging child support payments like
Just a few days after rumors swirled that Julian Edelman was messing around with Adriana Lima.
It appears that the star slot receiver actually just dropped something recently... some baby batter. Usually it's Welker doing the dropping, but now apparently Jules is about to be a dad to some Swedish model that I've never heard, Ella Rose.
Your hypnosis is working babe.
Yep, we're all looking at the water...
Apparently this chick filed paternity documents (no idea that was even a thing) claiming that JE11 is the father. Idk what is next legally, but apparently Edelman is gonna be a father. Hopefully the whole situation can avoid a Maury show DNA paternity test, although I'd be lying if I said that wouldn't be hilarious to watch. Now knocking up a random could be seen as a negative, which for sure it is in some ways, but I mean look at this chick, Jules could've done A LOT worse. Maybe try to stay together for the kids? IDK. What I do know is that my man is getting after it lately. Can't knock the hustle. If you were the 2nd to 4th most attractive man on the best team in the NFL you'd be doing the same thing. The dude just catches Super Bowl winning touchdowns and fucks. What a life.
What I find really interesting is how much Edelman loves Brady and wants to copy his every move. It has leaked out from just football to his personal life as well. People may forget because how of prevalent a couple Tom Brady and Gisele are that my man Tommy had a baby from a previous relationship with actress Bridget Moynahan.
TBH this move doesn't really shock, me. People forget how long Edelman has been on the Patriots, but he's been here since 2009. That's a long ass time. After being a 4th receiver/returner/occasionally defensive back it wasn't until 2013 that Edelman became an every down WR. Some may forget that Edelman used to be a bit of a bad boy. Dude had charges against him in 2011 for groping a chick at a Halloween party, although they were eventually dropped.
I'm just saying the dude is a little bit of a bad boy. Don't let the new clothes, a Super Bowl ring, or a new haircut fool you.
Slim Shady Edelman
Dirty Hipster Edelman
You just never know what's gonna happen to these guys off the field. I don't really care that he knocked this model up, congrats on the sex Jules. As long as there is no Maury show appearance I think everything will be fine. Just don't be a deadbeat dad, pay the child support and get back on the field. All I care about is Edelman staying healthy for an entire season to help this team get ring #5.
Started one hit wonder Wednesday last week and it didn't even make it to a second week. Sorry blog life gets put on hold for a day on the river. Back for right now though. It'll be back next Wednesday. Here's the Thursday July 28th (wtf how is July basically already over) Song of the Day. I've been so out of the loop, apparently my girl Katy Perry's new song is the theme song for the Olympics. Good for her. Hopefully listening to it doesn't give you second hand Zika. Here it is. Song: Rise Artist: Katy Perry Upstairs computer won't let me type in a title for the blog...Weird but you should know the deal by now. SONG OF THE DAY JULY 25th (happy birthday C-lo) Also I've been on a huge Arctic Monkeys bender rn so here is a song of the day that is almost 10 years old. Song: Teddy Picker Artist: Arctic Monkeys Album: My Favourite Worst Nightmare
Everybody knows you don't leave the table when you're on a heater.
We've known all year that will be David Ortiz' final season. The question is, should it be? A few teams have given him his shitty going away gift. I've bought the final season shirt, bumper sticker AND bottle opener but I'm totally fine with him playing in 2017. Honestly, I don't wanna get heavy on Big Papi, but it's kinda irresponsible of him to just give up now. The Red Sox are FINALLY good again for the first time since 2013, and if they wanna stay good for more than just one season, unlike how they followed up 2013, then they could definitely use his bat hitting 4th again next season. In a little over half the season (87 games) Big Papi has 24 homers, 34 doubles (which is crazy to me given his lack of speed and foot issues) but the dude is still mashing at 40 years old. Add in a .330 batting average, 79 RBIs, on base % of .423, throw in 2 for 2 on stolen bases and oh by the way he's leading all of MLB in slugging and OPS which sabermetrics guys will tell you is pretty, pretty, pretty good. Last night in a 13-2 romping of Papi's former team; the Minnesota Twins, David went 3-5 with a HR and 4 RBI. Decent night for the 40 year old.
But it's what he did BEFORE the game that took all the headlines.
Papi hit a homah soooooo faaawkin hawwwd broo dat it got fackinnn stuck in Pesky's Pole. Absolutely insane to me, I mean I get Fenway Park is fragile at 104 years old and low key falling apart but it's bananas to me this happened. The odds of this happening has to be close to the odds of winning the lottery as you get struck by lightning. In the many years I've been following the Sox, I've never seen anything like that.
Papi is a bad mother fucker indeed. Just add another feat to the legend of Big Papi. Rob Bradford said it and it's true, with no proof of Ted William's 502 red seat HR it's pretty cool to have documented evidence of this. I just wish there was video footage, I wouldn't put it past the Boston PR-ed Sox to jam a ball up there just to make headlines.
However when it comes to David retiring, I do believe he will not play next year, the foot issues are real. But I mean it seems pretty obvious he can still swing the bat, plus he's a DH that has to account for something. I know I'm not the only one who thinks the foot stop shouldn't stop him. Look at what the Hit King himself had to say. Great line.
But honestly, I think because he's having SUCH a good year it makes sense to walk away. Because although he's been mashing this year, who knows how much will change from age 40 to 41?
Remember when A-Rod had his renaissance last season? (you probably don't because fuck A-rod) While he only hit .250 he showed he still can put up the power numbers. 33 HR and 86 RBI at 39 years old. This year he's hitting .210 with 9 HR and 29, and he just got kinda hot this wee. His numbers were way worse like two weeks ago. Basically I'm just saying you don't know what you're gonna get with Papi next year. He'd look like a real ass hole if he came back and hit like .240 with 17 HRs in 2017. The Red Sox are good. I shit on them a lot on twitter, but I fucking love the Sox man. And this team can hit, they just are extremely shaky when it comes to pitching, so unless they can win games in the playoffs 9-8 I don't see them winning the World Series. Obviously that would be the best ending for Papi's career, to go out with a championship, but should the Sox lose before then, the individual season he's having, a potential MVP year, is the next best way to walk away. I will end with this. This current Red Sox team is a fun, young team that hits the piss off the ball. They have a bright future and just have to make sure they don't fuck it up by not keeping their young talent and adding to their pitching. Gun to my head this team does not win it all. I just don't think this team is built to win in October. They MIGHT be able to get out of the ALDS but I'd be shocked if they won the Pennant or more. Although I said the same thing in 2013, so who knows? Should the Red Sox lose in heartbreaking fashion in a 6 or 7 game series in the ALCS or World Series, I would be VERY interested to see what David does. To play as well as he has and be that close to another ring, I think then we can really discuss the possibility of a certain call season (again) in 2017. Sorry no blogs yesterday-------I was being a good boy and cleaned my room and that literally took the entire day. Back on the horse though for a Friday. Now I'm definitely a rocker-type but when I first heard this song I was hooked. I'm secure enough to admit when a pop song is fire and this shit is FIRE. Apparently it's kinda old but I legit never listen to pop radio and just heard this like last week and have been meaning to post it. Artist: DNCE Song: Cake By The Ocean P.S. Burnin Up by Jonas Brothers has to be top 20 catchiest songs that came out while I was in high school. I LOVE Throwback uniforms. In basically any sport. For the most part every team has at least one awesome retro jersey. I say for the most part because boring ass teams like the Yankees have pretty much had the same uniform throughout franchise history. The NFL banned throwback uniforms in 2013 which just shows again how fucking stupid the NFL is. I know it's a "safety" issue because they don't want teams using multiple helmets but I think it's a stupid rule. The Patriots and Chargers throwback uniforms are some of the best in sports. It's a shame teams with different throwback helmets cannot wear throwback uniforms. Tonight 8 MLB teams (in 4 games) will be wearing throwback uniforms in games. Those games are the following; Atlanta Braves at Cincinnati Reds (already in progress) San Francisco Giants at Boston Red Sox (7:10 PM) New York Mets at Chicago Cubs (already in progress) Texas Rangers at LA Angels of Anaheim (dumbest name is sports) (10:05 PM) Obviously I love the Sox 70's no button jersey but the best one here IMO is the San Francisco Giants. Love the orange look. Some people don't like throwbacks, and I like to call those people wet blankets. Throwbacks are awesome. Idk if you haven't been able to tell yet from all of my blogs but I'm a big history and nostalgia guy. There's people who think stuff like this is gimmicky, which sure I guess it is, but it also is fun. Let's not forget that these are SPORTS, they're supposed to be fun. Most of these uniforms are awesome, the road grays are kinda boring but overall I'm glad these teams are doing it. My only issue is that only 8 teams are partaking in this, every team easily could throw on some old uniforms as well. I think once a month there should be a throwback uniform day across all of Major League Baseball. How awesome would that be? If teams use a throwback as an alternate jersey, like I know the Giants, Mets and Pirates do, that's fine too, but it wouldn't count for my once a month idea. Like the last Wednesday of every month or something all teams could wear throwbacks. I think it's an awesome idea. I think the NFL should have a similar thing going on, one week every season in the NFL all teams should wear throwbacks. They already have a MONTH of pink accessories, we can't get 1 game a season of throwbacks? Fuck you Goodell. I wanna see the Bucs creamsicle uni's! Pictures off of http://news.sportslogos.net/2016/07/20/wayback-wednesday-eight-mlb-teams-in-retro-uniforms-today/
In recent efforts to switch things up, I'm proud to announce that I'm gonna start having themes to my song of the day posts. From here on out until DOL doesn't exist anymore (because I'm gotten noticed by a bigger blog) the DOL Wednesday song of the day will now be known as "One Hit Wonder Wednesday". Now you may be thinking to yourself "But wait Ryan what does that mean?" Well friend, simply put, every song on Wednesdays will be a one hit wonder. But Ryan...I mean Doz, what is a one hit wonder? Well champ, you shouldn't be asking such stupid questions like that, ever heard of google? Anyways, I'm a BIG one hit wonder guy. It just interests me so much how an artist/band could be at the top of the mountain for a brief moment in time, then they just are never heard from again. What makes it even more amazing to me is how many one hit wonder songs are some of the most popular and catchy songs in music history. It blows my mind a lot of these artists were unable to follow up the success. I remember VH1 had a Top 100 One Hit Wonder Countdown when I was in 4th grade and I used to be able to recite the whole list. I don't think you can rule out that I may be a savant. Now there is some debate with classifying 1HWs because there are a lot of very popular, well established artists that are technically one hit wonders because they only had 1 billboard Hot 100 hit. Even though they may have a huge following, a lot of rock and country artists that have had very successful careers are one hit wonders technically, such as Jimi Hendrix, The Grateful Dead, and until Bored to Death I'm pretty sure Blink 182 only had 1 top 40 hit, but I don't include that when talking about a TRUE one hit wonder. Same goes for bands with 1 huge hit and then a minor hit or two, although technically they may not be a one hit wonder, in the eyes and ears of history they are. So if you have a #1 smash and then your follow up goes to like #87 and then you're never heard from again, IMO (and many others as well) you're still a one hit wonder. Here is the first "One Hit Wonder Wednesday" and it is one of my all time favorites. Enjoy! Song: 867-5309/Jenny Artist: Tommy Tutone (fun fact thats the name of the band, it's not just the singers name)
Listen, I don't wanna sound like a hater just because Aroldis Chapman is on the Yankees, because obviously Chapman is nasty. As Eck would say he's a "gas masterson" type, but idgaf that this pitch was 105 mph last night.
It was 2 feet outside, low and nearly hit JJ Hardy. I get it people swing at pitches outside of the strike zone all the time and baseball hardos will call me an idiot for this take, but it's NOT EVEN CLOSE to the strike-zone. Plus it didn't have the break of an off speed pitch to make someone chase. Sure it's cool he threw that fast but let's relax, I get it's summer and sports calendar is slow until the Olympics and NFL start, but slow your roll. Should we celebrate field goal attempts from 70 yards that have the distance but miss the uprights by 20 feet? Are we gonna start going crazy about long foul balls too? I just don't get it. Like it's not even a cool highlight. For this to matter it needs to be a strike, ( or hit the batter, that is totally cool in my book as well) I'm sticking to my guns on this one, if it was a swing and miss that'd be even better. But it wasn't. Freaking out over a very fast pitch in the dirt is stupid AF to me. Just doesn't make sense to me to get that excited about a shitty pitch. I saw this as an ad on twitter last night and had to click. What can I say, I'm loyal to a fault. ESPECIALLY with Chipotle. I don't care how many people get sick from salmonella, or e coli I'll never turn my back on Chipotle. What's a little diarrhea? You'll be fine. I'll always love Chipotle.
You know how some people say after a shitty break up they'd STILL do it all over again anyways because it's better to have loved and lost than to have never lost at all? Well my love for Chipotle is a prime example of that. I went thought a horribly messy break up, but I mean she also introduced me to Chipotle, so at the end of the day it was all worth it. I'm a picky ass eater and definitely never would've tried it w/o her. See you can always find a positive in even the worst situations. If you told me I could either never have Chipotle again or never see my family again, I'd pick Chipotle because I know deep down my family wants me to be happy so they'd agree with my discussion. This isn't even a paid ad for them on my blog (but seriously how cool would that be if it was?) I just though this video was kinda cute and had a happy ending. Reminded me of a Disney/Pixar movie. So it's definitely worth sharing on my blog that gets maybe 4 clicks a post. Also tbh I'm low key confused by it and need at least on DOL reader to watch it and talk to me about this video. Starts as a rivalry and turns into love. What a message. (just kidding I completely get it I just want people to read my blogs shhhhhhhhh) Biggest take away from the video however is the I Want It That Way cover, that shit is FIREEEEEEEEEEE. Even if you're a vegan loser that hates chipotle, you gotta check it out just to hear the song. I gotta find it on apple music. |
October 2024