New York Yankees pitcher CC Sabathia unleashed a string of profanities at the rival Red Sox during the first inning of Thursday's 6-2 win over Boston, and again afterwards while speaking to the media.
Sabathia, who has battled knee and conditioning issues for years, objected to a bunt attempt by Red Sox infielder Eduardo Nunez, a former Yankee, and ultimately ended the first frame by cursing at the opposing dugout. Later Sabathia told reporters that Boston 'tried to take the weak road' by testing his ability to field his position. The 37-year-old veteran's surgically-repaired right knee recently flared up in August, forcing him onto the disabled list for 10 days. Afterwards, the normally mild-mannered Sabathia refused to stand down. 'I don't give a f*** about their reaction,' he said when asked of any possible retaliation from the Red Sox. 'I don't care what they have to say. I'm out there early every day. If they've got something to say, we can meet in centerfield. via: Wahhhhhhh I'm C.C. Sabathia and an opponent tried to make me field my position and it hurt my feelings because I'm a fat, alcoholic.
Give me a fucking break.
First off what a soft way to say he's been a fat fuck his entire career (I'm allowed to say that as a fat guy) that he's "battled knee and conditioning issues" like no, the dude just loves to eat. I don't blame him, food is awesome. But let's not act like he's Jon Lester battling back from cancer. He's a fat dude who's injury issues have all been because of his weight. In case you didn't hear C.C. Sabathia, who is 4-0 with a minuscule (unlike him) 1.04 era against the Red Sox this season is butthurt that the Sox tried to use a short coming of his (fielding his position) to their advantage. He's fat, and old and can't field so the Red Sox Eduardo Nunez knowing that bunted against him in the first inning last night and C.C. had this to say post game:
It's p crazy. This is probably the first time in sport's history that a team tried to take advantage of an opponent's short comings. C.C. probably thinks all those times team's fouled Shaq to put him on the free-throw line, they were actually doing it because they felt bad that he was such a shitty foul shooter that they thought he could use the practice. How nice of them.
I just don't understand the logic that this guy has. It's fucking pro sports dude, as Herm Edwards said "you play to win the game". Have you ever watched football before? Ever notice how team's will throw at back-up corners after a star goes down with an injury? There's a reason for that. They're attacking a less talented player. Same reason why in pick-up basketball faster guys will try to get me isolated so they can drive right by me for an easy lay-up. You take whatever advantages you can to win. Just such a loser mentality by this chump. Like you won dude, you pitched well, and you've had the Red Sox number all year. Be happy and excited about that. They tried to switch things up in attempts to win. What ass-holes! Sorry they hurt your feelings! Don't worry, there's a post-game buffet to cheer you up!!! I just don't get how as a pro athlete you are saying this. You should understand that better than anybody, you do whatever it takes to win, especially against an opponent who's been dominating you all season. The best part of the whole ordeal is what Jim Rice had to say about this:
I love this take because the Hall of Famer is 100% right.
If you think this is "fat shaming" you can kick rocks too. He's a pro athlete who's size has hindered him in his career. Those are just facts. As a fat guy I am pro "fat shaming". We should be fat shamed, it's not okay to be fat. I hate being fat, but then I also love pizza, so at the end of the day, I need to be held responsible for my decisions. I hate when you see some 450 pound chick saying "she's embraced her curves" like bitch those aren't curves, those are rolls, and you're a whale. It's never okay to be that big. Nobody should be 400 pounds unless they're like 8 feet tall. As someone who was pushing 4 bills last year I know that better than most. Nothing good comes from being that big. Also C.C. Sabathia is a pro "athlete" who's made over 240 million bucks in his career, let's not cry because someone told him the truth. I think he's heard a lot worse. Plus what Jim Rice said is 100% true, if he took better care of himself this wouldn't be an issue. If you were offended by what he said you're part of what's wrong with this country.
11/23/2017 09:57:48 pm
We encourage children to play sports to learn teamwork. The grace of losing is equally important to winning. If we end up like these adults who do their business otherwise, it only means we never really learned the true value of sportsmanship when we were younger. It's not always about winning. Sure we must give our best and maintain that "losing is not an option" attitude but let us not forget it is better to lose that to be pure evil.
8/3/2018 04:52:52 am
CC Sabathia is one of the greatest players and pitchers to have ever stepped on the MLB mound. His legacy has truly lived for the association and the league as far as his career is concerned. Hence, it is only without a doubt that he will get offended because of the terrible first inning bunt attempts of the Boston Red Sox to challenge his capabilities. However, in my opinion, CC should have not given the Boston dugout the profanities and bad words that he uttered. In the end, he should have had proven them his true talent. A sport is full of tactics and that should attest Boston's resilience on this case, for instance.
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