When I think of progressive cities in the United States....... Louisville, Kentucky is not exactly in the same breath as a Portland, Austin, or even Tampa. But I did not know the 'Ville was closer to Damascus then Denver. It's sad to see stories like this in 2020! A 15-year-old freshmen girl named Kayla was expelled from Whitefield Academy; a Private Christian School in Louisville (home of Papa John) for wearing a white sweatshirt with a rainbow pattern and having a rainbow cake at her birthday dinner. FTR: This dinner was not at her school and that's not even a full rainbow! Her mom posted the picture on Facebook because that is what every mom on Facebook does. They give away personal data like the hotcakes they should be cooking! YEAH AMIRITE?! (Joke) My mom will fucking check-in on the book when she's getting gas. (Better joke) When this student wore a rainbow, she "demonstrated a cultural acceptance contrary to that of Whitefield Academy's beliefs" Well excuse me. That sentence in itself is really fucking wild. It's a real thing that someone who is responsible for shaping the future wrote. (Unlike the stuff I write) Just re-read that like 4 times. It'll take maaybe 20 seconds. There is a God damn crusade on poor ole Roy G. Biv. That email is basically hate speech. Somehow the school saw the photo and expelled this kid because, after all, that's what loving your neighbor is all about. To their credit, the school did show Christ-like compassion by touching (changing) the ruling to a voluntary withdrawal. The article/video never flat out mentions her sexuality, which they shouldn't, as this is a fucking 15 year old girl, Jared. ...But I mean the pieces of this puzzle are pretty clearly laid out for us. Two years of "lifestyle violations", they sent her conversion therapy information... Ultimately, when Kayla culturally appropriated our Lord and Savoir, JC, it was the final nail in her cross. #neverforget I go back and forth, but gun to my head, I believe in God. (It's called insurance) Despite the nutbag Christians that give us God guys and gals a worse name than the protagonist of a hit Bon Jovi song did to love. I guess if you had to put a label on my faith, I'm a "Christian," because I believe in THE (say that like an Ohio State fan) Jesus Christ and all his jazz. I do have a hard time believing all of humanity "just happened" thanks to some fucking rocks, but I also have a hard time believing God "just was/is". To me, all organized Religion can kick rocks, ayeeee. I cannot stand the church. All of 'em. I hate "organized" religion. Well, Buddhists are cool. Allow me to put on my historian hat. Religion is responsible for pretty much every major issue in peoplekind since it popped up. But then... like, we also reeaaallly need religion, (plus God could totally be real), as the fear of God keeps soooo many people in check. Could you imagine what Earth would be like if we knew for certain nothing happens when you die? It's already on fucking fire now. Luckily, since cancel twitter has allowed bashing of the whites and Christianity with zero repercussions, I'm safe. Everybody knows Muslims LOVE the gays and totally don't throw rocks at them. As someone who has been heavily exposed to Christianity and the born agains, I have never understood why Christians harp sooooo much on the anti-alphabet people vibe that the Bible has. It makes zero sense to me. I'm heavy generalizing here, but there's like, a lot of people that will not budge on that stance. Even if they have gay children. They take these two verses as literal as you can. Taken from the book of Leviticus; which sounds a lot like the name of a gay bar.
thank you wiki. Somewhere in between those two versus at 19:27 Leviticus also says: “Never shave the hair on your foreheads, and never cut the edges of your beard." Then why is it that many Christian Schools have strict hair guidelines for male students? (or on a much darker note; the irony of killing gay people) I went to Christian School for half of 6th grade and those mother fuckers would bring out a ruler to measure hair that "needed" to be cut. LMTY: You have not seen pointless rules until you've seen a Christian School. Also, apparently anybody in the military that went through basic training is going to hell by the looks of that one. Bummer. If you're a "God hate Fags" person you better look like fuckin' 04 Johnny Damon all I'm sayin'. BC if you don't, but you take those Leviticus verses literally, then Lucy you've got some splainnnin ta do. Do you just not give a fuck? Or are you using religion as a mask for hate? 'Cause if you're gonna be in here; you gotta be all in everywhere. As Big Daddy Kane famously said, "Ain't no half-stepping." Why is it that? Why is this verse not enforced at all, but the gays (to their disliking) get the short end of the stick? I try to make light of this hypocrisy, but seriously it's fucking in the assinine. I'm not the first person to site these Bible verses and I sure as H-e-double-hockey-sticks won't be the last, but they should be all the evidence you need. Unless you want to just straight up say you're homophobic; using "it's my religion" as an excuse for being a bigot isn't good enough imo; ESPECIALLY if you like lobster bc this Leviticus cat also said this: "But all creatures in the seas or streams that do not have fins and scales--whether among all the swarming things or among all the other living creatures in the water--you are to detest. And since you are to detest them, you must not eat their meat and you must detest their carcasses". I don't fuck with seafood, so I at least have that going for me. Luckily, many Christians/organizations have loosened their interpretation of God's word in recent years. You can drive by churches with rainbow flags and gay pastors. Imagine seeing that in 2002? It'd be like seeing a hover craft. This may be the most ass-backward sentence I've ever read in my entire life and mind you I proofread this blog (sometimes). I cannot get over this. It's the perfect combination of idiotic school decisions and religion. As someone who has to work in education until the fine people at Barstool realize what's been under their nose the last four years, I haaate the public education system. It is broken. I don't need to go any further than that. The only thing that may be more broken than public education is private education. Although the public sector is full of no-common-sense-having-buffoons, I'm not going to act like I know all the ins and outs. I have read, watched, witnessed plenty of questionable moves like this in education; you can trust Dozo here. Basically being private means they can get away whatever they want and blame it on God. You can seriously say things like, "demonstrates a cultural acceptance contrary to that of Whitefield Academy's beliefs." I don't know where you draw the line on outright hate? Can a private school be whites only too? I know it sucks for this girl and her family. This is making national news (as it should; FUCK that school.) What a way to come out. But, this will be for the better. I'm not a full-blown gay dude, but as they say, sexuality is a spectrum. I am a #goodguy and supportive person. I have countless (at least 4 confirmed) gay friends. I hate people for things they can control like being an Imagine Dragons fan. While I do believe conditioning can play a role, there are plenty of lesbians who just hate men ;). Gun to my head, being gay is not a choice. Because there's no way on earth anybody would actually chose to be attracted to this... Instead of this. Why would anybody chose to be ostracized like the way LGBTQ plus 8 people have been? I fundamentally believe its not a choice. I'm sure countless of good people (both secular and nonsecular) have reached out to give Kayla support. You have my support. You don't need that school. Fuck these people and anybody with that point of view. They're the ones that are wrong, not you. Also, did you guys finish the cake?
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