So today is Valentine's Day.
Unlike other lonely singles losers like me, I actually don't hate today. Complete opposite in fact. Because truth be told ole Dozo is a (not so) low key romantic at heart. Someday an actual living woman will hopefully get to experience that. But the problem with that is I don't know if that's ever going to happen because of how bad I am at talking to woman (and all strangers in general). I'm not one of those "woe is me" butthurt, mad at the world single people on Valentine's Day. I'm happy for my friends out there who have someone. I always root for love. What pisses me off more today is when I'll see fellow single people complaining about being single on social media. (Very ironic given the nature of this blog, but this is more about self help than complaining IMO). It annoys the shit out of me, especially when it's attractive girls doing it. Like do you realize you could have a man in 20 seconds if you wanted right? You're the girl, you have all the power. Maybe work on that personality? Idk. It's just so stupid to get so upset over a stupid fake holiday that was created by candy and jewelry companies. I don't like that side of Valentine's Day, but as a love guy I like the idea of it. Don't get me wrong, I am a butthurt, mad at the world single person and today is Valentine's Day, but that's not the main reason why I am how I am. But that's a completely different story for another time. For the 5th Valentine's Day in a row (holy shit time flies when you're not getting pussy lolol) ole dozo is a single man. I used to think being fat is why I have such problems with the ladies. While it definitely doesn't help my cause, this last year more than ever I've realized it's much deeper than that. It's because I have no game, because I've seen countless dudes who are either fatter or uglier than me with some good looking ladies. (Yes I know they could be rich, but when they're around my age I doubt that's the case) I just straight up don't know how to talk to girls, which sucks because I'm pretty funny and from what I've read girls like that. I'm just an awkward dude, it blows. I've tried to advertise myself too but that doesn't work.
Still can't believe that didn't work.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I've even thought maybe there's something like actually wrong with me, like I should get my brain checked. I can barely even hold a fucking conversation with my best friends. How the hell am I supposed to approach strangers and convince them that getting with me is a good idea? That's just the thing too with talking to girls, I'm not a like hook up culture guy, I'm a connection guy, I don't want them to think I'm only there to try to fuck them, because that's not what i want. But what am I supposed to say "hey I think you're cute, wanna skip all the first steps and just watch netflix with me 4 nights a week in our PJs?" I just don't know how to attack this issue. Being smooth and confident are arguably more important than being good looking. They are also probably the two things I lack the most in. I've tried to fake confidence but that's even worse because it's being fake, something I try to avoid. I always just thought because I was a fat fuck I had no chance with girls, it's really screwed with my confidence, then you throw in fucked up teeth and a crappy dick, it's honestly a miracle that I'm still alive. But I've since realized that there are more factors than that that go into the equation. Not everybody is a shallow fuck. Which is cool, especially for man who looks like me. So my main question is how do I get game? Because I think it's the one thing holding me back more than anything else. It's weird because I try to blog like as if I already made it. But truth be told probably 80% if not more of my readers at least know who me a little bit. So that can be awkward, like I'd really appreciate family to not read stuff like this, but fuck it I've already done enough to screw myself in my personal life so why not make the hole a little deeper? It's weird because it's not like I'm a virgin, I dated someone on and off for around 3 years, but that started from a drunken hook up at a party. In high school the few girls I ever did anything with was set up by friends. I've hung out with a few girls from tinder and bumble since me and my ex ended shit for good, but nothing serious ever happens. I guess what I'm trying to say is I've never in my life like met someone randomly, struck up a conversation and asked her out. The idea of that almost gives me a panic attack. But do I just have to get thrown into the fire and keep trying until something works? Just throw me into the deep end and hope I don't drown? Idk but I gotta switch it up because whatever I'm doing right now isn't working. Is there a book I can read? A class I can sign up for? Anything? Ya boy needs help. I just need to figure out how to make something fucking happen. I don't care about being single today, I care about being single on all days. Your boy is 25 years old, and has had next to zero luck since my last (and only real) relationship. What do I do? So that's it I guess, very personal but also kinda nice to get out of my system. How do I get game? I'd love some advice and help on the matter so that I do not die alone. Thx. I hope everybody has a nice Valentine's Day.
2/14/2017 02:12:06 pm
You could stop being ugly. And maybe get a haircut. And take a shower.
2/14/2017 03:04:00 pm
First step would be to NOT write a blog on how to get game...
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