If you've been keeping up with DOL since the beginning, you know I am fascinated by cults and conspiracies. I watched all of Waco in one day and know more about Jonestown than the average person knows about their spouse. Does the name Leo Ryan mean ANYTHING to you? Cause it sure as shit does to me. R.I.P.
Recently, I referenced how history seems to be repeating itself. In that blog, I didn't even scratch the surface of parallels between yesterday (100ish years ago) and today. For example I didn't mention: Yellow Journalism and Fake News; social media and propaganda; xenophobia and our current administration. I could go on, but you know; rule of three. ICYMI: The location for Trump's first campaign rally in three months is Tulsa, Oklahoma. Of all places in this country he picked Tusla. Fantastic timing to have 20,000 people inside an arena!!! via: "Oklahoma marked its largest single-day increase in coronavirus cases this week, reporting 228 new cases Tuesday, and many of the new cases are attributable to Tulsa County, the rally site." That's just the tip of the scumbag iceberg! With all the recently amplified racial tensions in this sooo great nation he picks Tulsa AND June 19th (Juneteenth) as the original date?? At the VERY least that is an insensitive ass coincidence. Being a conspiracy guy, I don't think it was.. As is tradition at campaign rally's, some people broke into song. This Trump 2020 red state Camp Rock propaganda song already has millions of views across the internet in less than a day.
Hyperbole is a friend of mine, but I have easily watched this video two dozen times. I am mesmerized by everything in this song/video. Dad must spend at least $1,200 a week on voice lessons. I want to hate it so badly, but as the self-proclaimed music man I have to admit there is some talent here. This could get Nancy Pelosi humming "Trump 20-20". That is why propaganda works, people! One could make the argument that John Wayne Gacy was a talented clown too, but there's no denying these folks can harmonize.
Similarly to how rewatching a movie or tv show can cause you to pick up on things you missed; every time I rewatch this performance I notice something else. There is so much going on in this terribly troubling tune. Let's start with Dad. I didn't know they made white pants in 40x28. I feel soooo bad for this clearly in the closet, self-hating gay guy. I know the definition of a man is evolving, but come on. This dude is more flamboyant than if Carson Kressley and JVN procreated (if only we could be so lucky). Who are you trying to fool with your blu-tooth purse?
Here are a few more observations:
The fit of these hats SCREAM straight out of a gas station. Mom is giving off serious "I don't want to be here" slash "I'm not singing every word because my husband won't let me" vibes. Why doesn't this chick get the same shirt? Is she part of the family or did she just jump in at the sign of people promoting the removal of human rights for the LGBTQ community?
Maybe I'm grasping at straws, but when I watched this last night all I could think about was how big this guitar was in relation to the front woman who looks like Kaitlin Bennett's cousin-sister. HYPHEN NOT SLASH.
What is going on with the people out of frame? I think there's at least two and one is potentially a small child.
These people make Phyllis Vance look like Doctor J in those matching white and gold converses.
If you've gotten this far and are unfamiliar with the term propaganda, my bad for assuming you went to high school.
While catchy, I'd say insinuating that the U.S. is "giving away freedom" if Trump isn't re-elected and that his re-election would "Keep America Great" falls into the category of propaganda. If it's time to pray, maybe you could use President Trump's favorite bible verse to start? To be fair, propaganda isn't always bad. Rosie the Riveter is technically propaganda and did wonders for women (until the boys came back from overseas).
However most of the time propaganda was in laymen terms "not ideal". It's "art" that features emotional manipulation and doesn't didn't tell the entire story. Imagine being called a Nazi because you didn't carpool?
Like I said; not ideal!
While this one isn't as offensive, it still gave the boys false hope! (which in many ways is worse...imagine dying at war just because you might get some hairy 1940's box?)
Propaganda comes in many shapes and sizes. It's not just posters, music can be propaganda too. Again, this song low key slaps...but it also makes you wanna slap yourself in the face for even thinking about singing along. In a strange time where nothing makes much sense, we cannot let this become the song of the summer! Here are a few other suggestions for song of the summer to end this blog.
1 Comment
Sean Wrong
6/18/2020 02:57:19 pm
Devon Gilfillian will be the song of the summer that mainstream will never hear, and it's a damn shame!!!
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