Remember when you were watching the 2019 UEFA Champions League Final between Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur and some gorgeous blonde in a black one-piece shoved so far up her cookie & b-hole that it nearly sliced her in half like two women were claiming to be her mother stormed the pitch?
Well, that stunt that we all vividly remember gained @Kinsey millions of new instagram followers (and dollars). Ya boi Ole Dozo just happened to be one of them (followers, not dollars); purely so I'm on the ready to reference her next stunt in a blog a year and a half from now.
Normally, I've had minimal complaints with her posts, I'd even call myself a fan, but today I just had to put my foot down. I get it, women are over-sexualized and under-valued in our society. They are expected to maintain unrealistic body expectations that are impossible to achieve, but that doesn't mean it's okay to act like you grew up in the wild. I want to apologize ahead of time for what you are about to see, it may disgust you, but it's my responsibility...scratch that; it is my job as an amateur-professional blogger to inform people about what's going on in the world and give my personal opinions. I saw something today that is as natural as holding in a fart on the first date, but that doesn't mean it should be broadcast to the entire world to see. Are you ready? Because here it is:
I'm sorry for subjecting you to that, but it had to be done. Posts like this send a horrible message to our impressionable youth and have to be addressed. I know women don't have it easy, but a post like that is simply irresponsible.
It's really hard to be a parent nowadays. I'm not one, but I have average-to above average empathy skills and want you to know I feel for you. I can't imagine how difficult it is. How do you tell your high school aged son or daughter to not smoke pot with a straight face when they're pushing CBD deodorant at the neighborhood CVS? How can you get your kids to study for the SATs when 16 year olds are making millions playing video games on twitch? How are you ever going to get your kids to value good hygiene when instagram models with almost 4,000,000 followers are posting ass shots with feet that look like they were used to wipe said ass?
I'm not a monster. I've walked around the house barefoot a time or two million, I know easy it is for your feet to get grimy, but it's called having pride in what you do. How dirty was that mosaic tile?! Would this picture have gotten posted if Kinsey had a booger hanging out of her nose or spinach in her teeth? Doubtful! So why is okay to broadcast feet that look like Paulie Walnuts' after he lost his shoe in the woods?
I don't want to make any assumptions about this photo being doctored, but I highly doubt someone just shot this picture, didn't edit it and posted for 3.7 million people to see. It's just a shame to see someone not dedicated to their craft when they're so talented at it. Call me old fashion, but I like to see clean feet in pictures of gorgeous, unattainable women.
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October 2024