Well, technically there's still a solid amount of time before it's officially summer...but you know...corny ass blog speak plays...that's how the headline game goes sometimes Excluding all the unnecessary deaths and toll on everybody's mental health, outside of gaining 150 depression pounds, the worst part of the Panny (for me) was missing out on a Thundercat concert. I had tickets for a show in Boston with an absolute squad on March 21st, 2020. Fuck bats. I fucking loveeee Tame Impala and Thundercat. They both take up a big chunk of my custom iPhone background of my favorite musicians (HMU if you want one of any theme). Stephen Bruner is literally the first person you see. Idk if we're gonna get an entire album of Thunder Tame but we fucking deserve one. Someday, the world's gonna end. Everybody you've ever loved will die. We as a society might as well make the experience of life as great as possible and a 2-hour album of Tame Impala and Thundercat would be the best thing to happen to ears since the invention of earmuffs. When I woke up for good today, I had multiple texts from friends sharing this track and I'm gonna share it with you right now. ENJOY!!!! (I already wrote today's SOD blog at like 2am + had to pay respect Left Eye on her sadiversary) This shit is funky with the heart and soul of Thundercat. It absolutely fucking slaps. I've already listened three times while typing. Here's a little inside baseball for the loyal DOL reader, I'm gonna be hosting a disco dance party in the upcoming weeks and this shit will 100% be on the playlist. I'm unearthing more detail with each listen and man I am ecstatic that these two are working together. This shit is incredible and hits close to home rn. I need more. Pray to whoever you pray to that a Thunder Tame album is in the works. I can't even begin to wrap my head around the possibility of someone listening to this and not instantly falling in love with it. P.S. I'm watching this interview as I finish the blog (I'm writing the P.S. before the whole is done). FUUuuuckk dude, 30 seconds in, and my hopes are already high for a full-length Thunder Tame album. Kevin Parker and Stephen Bruner together. How fucking beautiful is that? This is precisely what the world needs, and I'm stealing this from a youtube comment, but this supergroup would blow Silk Sonic out of the water! I was talking to my boys last night about how much I love hearing other artists talk about their influences and favorites...So if you're in a similar boat, you're gonna love that interview. Hearing Thundercat talk about how much he loves Kevin's music and what "apocalypse dreams" (one of my fave Tame songs) meant to him, to quote the late great Chris Farley, was aweeeeesommeeee. Like Thundercat is one of the most respected musicians alive and for him to get like how he described in the interview when he met Kevin just makes him even more relatable, lovable and down to earth. This album has to happen. You can't give us this sample and be like oh that's it.
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October 2024