Even NBA superstars can be basic bitches.
via http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/15617204/lebron-james-dwyane-wade-friendship-enrages-nba
The If you know anything about me you know I'm not a Lebron fan at all. But this isn't to bash Lebron (okay maybe a little), it's to bash D-Wade. This is a piece from a longer article but basically D-Wade would show up late to dinners and only would entrust Lebron to order for him when he was running late.
… whenever he is running late to meet James at a group dinner, there is only one person whom the finicky Heat guard can entrust with culinary power of attorney. Even when Union is also waiting at the table. “My wife wouldn’t know what to order,” Wade says, “but Bron’s like, I got it.” Two years ago, at just such a dinner in New Orleans, Union could only watch, deeply confused, as James unilaterally picked seabass for a man who’d expressed a lifelong distaste for fish. “It’s what I wanted,” her husband would later explain, shrugging. “Bron got me on seabass.” NOPE. This is not cool, no man can allow this. No man can ever let this happen. Having another man order food (when out to dinner) for you is one of, if not the most emasculating thing that can be done to you. I rather show up and hour late and not get my food on time then have one of my buddies pick what I'm going to eat for the night. And I'm picky too like D-wade so I get it you don't want your wife ordering something you don't like, but no, this is a no bueno in my eyes. Either show up on time like an adult, or order when you get there. Under no circumstances is it okay to let one of your friends decide what you're gonna eat when you go out, especially without your say. And of course Lebron would be okay with doing, any real friend, would not accept this role. Can't emasculate your boy like that. The fact that Lebron was okay with doing this shows you everything you need to know about Lebron.
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