Rest in Peace, Tate Myre, Madisyn Baldwin, Justin Shilling, Hana St. Juliana, and all other victims in the countless avoidable, inexcusable school shootings in this country. Nobody should have to worry about coming home alive from SCHOOL.
As more information comes out about Tuesday's school shooting at Oxford High School in Michigan, as of 9:00 pm EST there are four confirmed deaths, but the heroic actions of Tate Myre may have stopped that number from multiplying.
Tate rushed the cowardly shooter in an attempt to apprehend him. The 16-year-old junior just visited the University of Toledo over the weekend on a recruiting trip.
Unfortunately, Tate passed away in a police cruiser on the way to the hospital.
As an educator who's wanted out for years, a shooting is hands down my biggest fear. It blows my mind how numb we are as a society to these senseless tragedies and that little to nothing has been done to prevent them. Sadly, I've thought about what I'd do in that situation more times than I can count. I've gone through active shooter drills before, and even when you know they're just a drill, they're nerve-wracking. At my current job, I don't even have a fucking room key because of bureaucratic bull shit and feel like a sitting duck should the shit ever hit the fan. I don't know what'd I'd do if I was in Tate's shoes, and hopefully, I'll never find out, but to make that split-second decision to help save the lives of your classmates is the dictionary definition of a hero. I'm sure his family is experiencing unspeakable pain, but part of them has to be proud of Tate's heroism and selflessness. A petition to change the name of Oxford's football field in Tate Myre's honor already has over 92,000 signatures (including mine). I highly suggest taking 30 seconds to add your name.
Saying that school shootings should never happen and that they're preventable shouldn't be a political statement, but apparently, it is in the "greatest country on earth." When will the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness be more important than lobbyists and gun manufacturers?
Tate a is hero, with balls the size of skyscrapers, but he should still be alive today. There were countless warning signs with the shooter AND THE SCHOOL MET WITH HIS PARENTS EARLIER IN THE DAY OF THE SHOOTING. Inexfuckingusible.
Tate Myre was recently named First-Team All-Region and just went on recruiting trip over the weekend. His life had barely started and now it's over because of some maniac. My heart breaks for all the victims and survivors who'll deal with this trauma for the rest of their lives. Protecting the lives of children in SCHOOLS should be as non-partisan as loving pizza. Rest in Peace, Tate, Madisyn, Justin, and Hana. Maybe this will be the one that actually changes something...
P.S. Thank you, Senator Murphy.
Double P.S.
My stance on capital punishment has lightened the last few years, but school shooters, especially ones who try to manipulate people to increase their carnage should not get to live their life out in a cell.
I'm still 1000% cool with capital punishment for school shooters.
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October 2024