This Letter Sent Home Explaining Why a Pregnant Student Can't Walk At Graduation is BANANAS5/25/2017
There's a semi hot story on the internet streets right now regarding an 18 year old pregnant senior at Heritage Academy named Maddi Runkles. Heritage Academy is a Christian school in Maryland. Maddi, a senior with a 4.0 GPA is being barred from walking at the school's upcoming graduation on June 2nd. The story is like a bingo board of great blog material: religious nuts, teen pregnancy, morality contracts and idiotic school boards.
I hateeeeee school administrators (for the most part) they're the worst and are why I'm so hesitant to fully jump into teaching. They have a history of making horrible decisions. A girl with cancer in one of the Dakotas wasn't allowed to graduate because she was 6 credits short since she was kind of busy trying to not die. Like use some fucking common sense judgment here. Long story short the school is saying it's not because she's pregnant but because she was "immoral" as to why she's not allowed to attend the graduation ceremony. I was originally going to include the entire story from the Washington Post, but it's long AF and I want you to have energy to read my take. That being said here is the article Because I love you guys, I'll do ya one better.
David Hobbs an administrator released this statement to the families of students at Heritage and tbh it just pissed me off a ton. I'll show you why!
Where do I even begin? How about that opener "Dearest Heritage Family:" Yo straight up, who the fuck says "dearest" in 2017? Such a hoity-toity, "we're better than you" Christian private school move. What are you an administrator or a soldier for the union army writing a letter to your wife back at home on the farm? "Dearest Margaret, it's been 3 fortnights since I last wrote you, my love". Get over yourself, Dave, just chill out man. So you and your wife have "fallen in love" with the people of Heritage? Do you really think a letter explaining why you're not letting the class slut graduate (joke, I'm on her side) is the best time to drop a bomb like this? What are you looking to become a throuple? That or just learn how the english language works, bro. Words having meaning. You work for a school after all. Important for Davey to remember this. Know the difference.
I actually kind of respect the move here. It is good practice to not air everyone's dirty laundry. But I'm guessing he just wanted to keep the issue underwraps. As a non confrontational person I try to do the same. I'm a big "just avoid it and hope it goes away" guy. No, it doesn't really work.
However, I don't believe him for one second when he says: "In my thinking, these were the two to protect: first Maddie, then Heritage, in that order". She's just another face in the halls to them. I'm just using my brain and experiences in life with the church and private schools to assume they more so did not want news of one of their students getting pregnant spreading. They don't want the judgmental Christians looking down their nose at Heritage for having a pregnant student. "We're Heritage that doesn't happen here". That's just what I think really went down.
This is hands down my favorite line.
"Maddi is being disciplined, not because she's pregnant, but because she was immoral". It's like telling someone going to jail for murder, it's not because you shot and killed someone, it's because you weren't nice. I feel like I could've found a better way to make an analogy, but I think you get my point. Just a ridiculous thing to say. Look, I get it. Since this is a private school they can kind of do whatever they want. But to me having 5th graders sign a "morality contract" that is going to hold them accountable for the rest of their time in the school seems like basically entrapment to me. Of course a 5th grader is going to say they'll abstain from sex, drugs and alcohol (aka 3 of the best things about being alive). They don't know any better, they're like 11 years old! I don't think I even knew what those things were at 11. It's like asking a 16 year old who got his first job to sign a contract saying he's never allowed to play the stock market. Probably wouldn't think twice because no 16 year old wants to do that. But maybe in 10 years when he has a real job and wants to start investing, he does. Well guess what he can't because he signed some stupid contract a decade ago stopping him for doing stuff he didn't even know about at the time. Back to the 11 year old thing. I remember when I first heard the term "blow job" I thought it meant that the girl blew up your dick like an actual balloon. Just blowing air in your pee hole like it's an air-mattress. Not exactly how they work. This is my biggest issue with Christianity and honestly all religions. I believe in God, but think all the stupid rules are ridiculous. There's so many trivial things that don't matter. Being a believer, living a positive life and being a good person should be all that matters. I just can't believe that experimenting with booze when you're 16 like everybody else in America has done for generations makes you bad. Let's just assume there is a God for a second. Do you really think something as trivial eating meat on Friday is going to be what stops you from going to Heaven? Also last point on this part, I'm so confused about this contract. Say you're a sophomore in high school and get caught drinking, then (like some pussy) stop for the rest of high school. Does that mean come two years they won't let you walk at graduation? I thought all "sins" were the same in God's eyes? This is just idiotic all around. I thought Christians were supposed to be forgiving people? We love Maddi Runkles, which is why we want to take away what would've been one of the most important moments of her life this far. You go to school to get ready for the real world and graduation is a celebration of that. Acknowledgement for what you accomplished. Something that can never be replicated. Taken away because she was "immoral" for having sex. Seems like justice here. As if the punishment of being an 18 year old mother is not enough, let's take away one of the last moments she'll have before becoming a parent to be around all her friends one last time together before everybody moves on with their lives. This is like the reverse "just cause I'm dressed this way, doesn't mean I'm a whore".*** Just because we're being harsh, cruel ass holes doesn't mean we are. Like just because Adrian Peterson beat up his son with switch until his balls bled does not mean he's a bad father! Why don't you prove you're not "harsh, cruel, hard-hearted men" by using common sense and let this girl walk at graduation? Ahhhhh, I don't know if I believe ya there, bro. I just feel really badly for this girl. She made a mistake, for sure. But the punishment seems way too severe. Yes I will say that getting pregnant in high school is a mistake, sorry it is. You shouldn't be reproducing when you still have to ask for permission to go to the bathroom. That's just what I believe. But things happen and this girl is trying to make the best of it. Good for her. Maybe instead of preaching abstinence which obviously didn't work, get with the 21st century and teach how to be safe. Then who knows? Maybe this situation wouldn't have happened. As a lowkey God guy, I just feel like shit like this gives Christians a really bad look. As someone who wants to teach and help young people become who they'll be after school, decisions like this from a school board really bum me out. *** had to include it after that reference.
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