(It sucks there isn't more clips from that episode of the Office because the Hilary Swank debate is a classic episode.)
Last night during the Grammys I was supposed to have a buddy of mine come over and watch with me, but after coming down with some sort of cold thanks to being outside in this shitty weather I had to rescind my invitation. Instead we just texted back and forth all night like school girls talking about the Grammys. Very manly night. I honestly thought it was a decent show, just way too long. Amongst (did I use that right?) all the things that stood out to me, the biggest was Lady Gaga with Metallica. Sure the microphones didn't work which kinda ruined the performance, but that isn't what matters. What does is how I told my buddy I thought Lady Gaga was hot AF especially in her metal gear, it stole the show IMO. I believe my exact words were "I'd blow her" He said I was crazy, and gross for thinking that. It immediately made me think of the Hilary Swank debate from the Prince Family Paper episode of The Office. Half the Office thought she was hot and the other did not and they spent a whole day elaborately debating that topic. I feel like it's very low hanging fruit to compare me to Kevin Malone (at least I have hair) in this situation, except here unlike him with Hilary Swank I am defending Gaga's hotness, I get it in 2017 you'll get judged for making this point but I'm out here trying to defend Gaga. She's fucking sexy and doesn't deserve the hate. In this weird social climate we live in I as a fake blogger should be able to say this w/o negative repercussions. I understand if maybe you've been out of the loop recently and that the big lasting images you have of her are from her much weirder days but was years ago.
But if we're being honest even in the meat dress I still think she's hot.
Lady Gaga's weirdness and talent just add to her total package. She's a beautiful, gifted musician. She's unlike anybody else in music with her style and everything. I blogged about it last week how Gaga's comeback made me realize how big of a fan of her's I was without even realizing. lady-gaga-killed-it-last-night.html she's not your conventional hottie but it doesn't matter, there's just something about her. To me Lady Gaga is hot and I'll never be convinced otherwise. The Super Bowl last week was when truly I realized that Gaga is hot.
And then the Grammys last night just solidified it for me.
I think the debate should be over. She's fucking hot. But it's far from finished, apparently many do not agree. What do you think? Is Gaga hot or am I crazy?
I'm just happy to see another one of my future co-workers is on the same side as I am. Throw this on the next barstool application.
So what do you think? Please vote and feel free to comment either agreeing or sharing your wrong opinion saying she isn't hot.
1/8/2019 07:22:22 pm
I admire Lady Gaga even before. I love how she is. I love her confidence, her deep songs with meanings and everything about her including her fashion style. The latest movie of hers entitled "A Star is Born" is very an emotional movie to watch. I love the essence of the story and it really happens in every musician. I cannot get over to the sound tracks of that movie. She is indeed a good actress and a good singer.
3/8/2019 04:46:57 am
Lady gaga is such a talented person. Aside from she can sing, she can dance and she acts so fine. I love her movie "A Star is Born". It was really a good movie and all musicians can relate to her movie. I know that some musicians struggle the same depression. The soundtracks too were all impressive. I hope that she will continue to be a good actress and a good member of Hollywood. I will always be a fan of her.
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