I'm gonna be honest with you guys (more than usual). I was having a troublesome time trying to figure out a good opening for this blog. I was going to take the "nobody listens to me", "I'm such a misunderstood, tortured artist/genius" angle that everybody loves, but couldn't pull the trigger. I'm too humble.
Well, now it looks like my future boss, Dave "El Pres" Portnoy just dropped a secret ingredient to sauté into the original blog like a little bit on onion that you won't even know was written yesterday.
People LOVE to break news and they LOVE be first to know of something. I don't know why that is, but people get off to it. I'd assume it's the chase of that minor sensation of superiority you get for a moment; knowing that you have information that these pissants do not. It can be quite the rush. Somewhere between making the final shot of a pick up game and reaching completion. I'm sure there were countless people excited to break the Kobe news knowing they were the ones who dictated the mood in the room. You very well may be that person.
We all have that friend that has to be the first to tell you a celebrity died or claim they knew a band/artist before they made it big. We've all been guilty of it before. I have as whaleee.
Sometimes it can genuinely be cool AF (as fuck) though and you're just trying to use this experience to relate and connect with a fellow human-being. Seeing an artist live before their big break big is kind of wild. I love stuff like that. It's like being the entry-level sales guy who played high school football against Patrick Mahomes, He that knew he'd become the face of the NFL in 2013! Brags about it in the cubes. Sometimes it's best to just let someone have that. âImagine being one of the 13 people at that Travis Scott "show" before he blew up. That's gotta be a cool fucking feeling.
I saw Lizzo open for HAIM in 2018 right before the internet decided that being fat was empowering and not endangering. I don't brag about it for obvious reasons, but you best believe I take pleasure in knowing I saw an artist that the sheeple eat up, basically against my will, before she took over the radio.
Well here is my chance to share with the loyal DOL readers an artist I have fallen in love with over the last week or so that I am convinced is going to be bigger than Lizzo's fupa. (I'm fat, I can say it) âHis name is Orville Peck and if you haven't heard of him, tighten up your bolo tie and listen. This cowboy is going to take over the world.
Orville's not exactly unknown, but with only "Dead of Night" surpassing the million view mark on Youtube he's by no means a house hold name yet. It's still early enough to claim you knew who he was before he blew up if you hop on NOW. Sure, he was at the Grammy's, but with zero nominations most people were just like "who the fuck is this dude with the mask?"
Pipes that could make a young man cry. Steph Curry range. I've been beating the word "haunting" to describe Orville's voice to a pulp, but damnit if that isn't the perfect word to use. I don't know if I've ever heard a voice I like this before. I LOVE it. He's legit all I listened to this weekend.
(apple music: @dozonmusic; Lavender Country is the OG gay country act that was a BIG influence to Orville...learned that in one of the many youtube interviews I've watched)
If you really want to impress somebody you can mention how Orville sounds like Roy Orbison. Who? Doesn't matter. Yeah, I said that before I realized that's the go-to comparison (male Lana Del Ray plays too) of your well-known music publications of the world. 'Twas a real nice ego boost to see my brain go to that of the "big shots" before seeing it. In reality I am just a man with an above average knowledge of information that doesn't pay me well (yet).
I'm a binger; food, booze, reexfer (so it doesn't show up in searches), streaming shows...you name it, I'll over indulge; it's in my RNA (people always sleep on RNA). So I don't know if I'm a fair litmus test for how good Orville Peck's music is, but when I say it's realistically 83% of all the music I've consumed the last 10ish days... I cannot get enough of this man. It's truly unlike anything I've ever heard before.
Admittedly, I am down on country, but it hasn't always been this way. I fucked with it heavy for like five years before one day a switch just flipped. I just don't really relate to the music. The cliches about country being about the same few topics (Beer, America, love, heartbreak, Constitutional-interpretation, trucks, fishing etc) exist for a reason. It's all country is. It's basically all the same. Pretty blondes from Tennessee or Kentucky and sorta okay looking good ole boys that probably have a cousin who played 7th string tight end at an SEC school. I don't relate to it, I don't enjoy it. It's not for me. If you do, that's cool. We live in America. I don't know if you've been reading DOL since February of 2016, but I'm a fucking weirdo, an outcast, a social pariah if you will.
Orville Peck is for people like me. The weirdos, the off-center, niché mother fuckers. Orville Peck is an INCREDIBLE musician who writes songs that anybody can relate to. They are love songs. As a gay man, they happen to be about dudes. I may not be a full-blown gay dude, but I am for sure empathetic to the cause and a supporter of my many (at least 4 confirmed) LGBT+ friends. I love how he's fully embraced the Cowboy persona. There's concept albums, but Orville is an concept musician.
I am telling you, this guy is going to be the next big thing so help me God. It makes perfect sense. Reviving a genre the youth has NO IDEA about whatsoever in rockabilly, the Cowboy gear, the mask, the gay boost, the success of Lil Nas X...I am normally pretty good at predicting trends in music. I'm batting like .800 at calling one hit wonders (Katy Perry "I Kissed a Gurl" was an all-time miss for me, but it fit all the criteria to be one; she was just too good).
Orville Peck transcends genres. I am not a country fan anymore and this has been all I've listened to and cannot get enough. Like the fallen Andy Yang, he could convert Trumpsters. The first three songs on Pony are fantastic. "Dead of Night", "Winds Change" and "Turn to Hate" are three of my five favorites on the album; "Queen of the Rodeo" and "Take You Back (The Iron Hoof Cattle Call)" round out my personal top 5. âBetween his vibe, aesthetic, persona, and actual music there's nothing stopping this guy except a mechanical bull mishap. OH HI MAC! **Tommy Wiseau voice**
Now with Barstool looking to add more talent, you, the DOL readers have a chance to double down on knowing about people who don't get the attention they deserve before they blow the fuck up. I am applying tonight and continue to run my grassroots #HIREDOZO campaign where I basically am shipwrecked in the middle of the ocean yelling for a life-raft. I know I am going to make it. The loyal readers and followers know I'm going to make it. Even if Orville doesn't blow up like I predict (he will) you can be half right if you support the #HIREDOZO movement. Share it on social with Barstool accounts across social. Don't be afraid to help. I am incredibly loyal and will not forget you. I know exactly who likes my stuff on IG. There's already a slush fund for them just waiting on the slush.
I have plenty of ideas for content that I want to make at Barstool that I haven't been able to for a variety of reasons. One of them is more music related content. If I'm not hired by May when Boston Calling takes place you best believe I am making some #content that weekend. Orville Peck will be there. Take a wild guess how I am going to dress on the Saturday. I know taking a chance on someone truly unknown is risky, but betting on me is a sure thing. Worst case I have a heart attack and then you don't have to pay me anymore.
Orville and the rest of his band stay bringing the absolute HEAT with these outfits. He said he doesn't wear the same one more than once anymore so that's a fun game you can play with the internet as you explore his catalog.
Of course the mask is a huge part of getting his music out there but the great thing about is how Orville doesn't say why he wears it to not influence people's perspective. #art!
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October 2024