I'll be honest, I really don't feel like blogging right now. Ya boi is physically and emotionally exhausted from being Edgar Allen Poe/existence in general in 2020.
But, you make sacrifices for the ones you love and I LOVE Remember the Titans.
Twenty years ago, TODAY, Disney released Remember the Titans to the masses (even though google, wikipedia and IMDB are causing me to doubt the accuracy of this news).
I am a weirdo (history major) who remembers random dates, but I can admit I didn't exactly have this day marked on my calendar...I found out the news this morning like the rest of twitter. REGARDLESS, if it's the 23rd or 29th, Remember the Titans is my favorite movie of all-time and I'll take any excuse to talk about it. I genuinely believe it's one of the best movies of all time given its historical relevance, emotion, message and acting. Since the internet will prob be like "hAvEn'T yOu SeEn The GoDfAtHeR??" I will gladly reply "NO!" JK nobody will say anything because 14 people read this blog and 11 of them are my mom.
Everybody has certain things that hit close to home and for me Remember the Titans is that movie. I was seven years old when it came out; in many ways its responsible for shaping and developing my love of football since my parents didn't exactly push sports-fandom on me at that point in my young life. I watched a VHS of this movie no less than 300 times in backroom at my grandparent's house and once back in December.
It's a major reason why I wanted to be a football player, so if you know anything about the history of Dozo, without this movie the "Dozah" alter-ego/persona may have never been born.
In case you've never seen it, Remember the Titans tells the story of T.C. Williams High School in 1971. That's a big deal because even though Brown vs. the Board of Education decided separate but equal was anything but in 1954, Virginia (and many other stone-age states) didn't desegregate for almost 20 years. I'm not going to give you a full book report on Remember the Titans, but what I will say is the story is super relevant in today's political climate. It's a case study in how hate is taught, not something born inside us. Everybody should watch it. If you don't have Disney+ I'll let you borrow my DVD (which was one of the first I ever owned) hashtag good guy. *Stefon voice* This movie has everything; Gettysburg, locker-room talk, haircuts, a young Dr. Turk, male-on-male kisses, bus trips, busing, Jerry Lewis & Dean Martin impersonators, the amount of feet in a mile, denied hand-shakes, PG racial slurs, a mother saying "those tears aren't gonna make my boy walk again", NCAA Division 1 caliber football scenes, Cleveland Baseball Team giving, the devastations that come with drunk driving, single fathers, Tai Chi, corruption, John Carlos & Tommie Smith, lies about how many siblings you have and quite possibly the greatest movie soundtrack of all-time (and that doesn't even scratch the surface of great music of this era in the FILM).
I just rewatched on Disney+ out of respect for birthdays/anniversaries and will conclude this blog with some of the best scenes from this incredible movie. Go Celtics.
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