The MLB All-Star Game was this week, and that used to be a huge deal to me. I still think it's far and away the best All-Star Game in the big 4 (minus how they ruined the uniforms), but my love of baseball has been forever tarnished by the destitute Boston Red Sox frugal ways when it comes to paying their homegrown studs.
It feels like Xander and Baby Beluga (Raffy Devers) already have one foot out the door, but in likely their last ASG appearance as teammates (along with J.D. Martinez), they paired up with some fellow 2018 World Series champs in a heartbreaking picture of mismanagement.
I will never get over the Red Sox trading Mookie Betts to save money. I've written about it a time or two on this publication (incomplete list).
-The CEO of a Dodgers Fan Group (I Guess That's a Thing) Put Up a Billboard Outside of Fenway for Thanking the Red Sox For Trading Mookie Betts
-As if the Red Sox Weren't a Big Enough Joke Already, Lebron James Now Owns (Governs) Part of Them! -I Want to Believe But I Don't Know If I Can -Well, This (Potentially) Changes Everything -Not Only Do the Red Sox Suck at Paying Generational Talent, but They Suck at Twitter Too! -It Looks Like The Dodgers Are About To Sign Mookie to a Giant Deal -Some Telling Stats About The Future of The United States of America -How to Induce Vomiting (in New England) -Mookie Betts Buys Groceries and Pizza For People Shopping and Working in Tennessee -John Henry FINALLY Addresses The Mookie Betts Trade (and I Address My Future as a Red Sox Fan) -After Nearly A Week of Hold Ups The Curse of Mookie Is Official (R.I.P. My Red Sox Fandom) -So You're Telling Me There's a Chance? -I Officially No Longer Love The Boston Red Sox
Just yesterday I had a conversation with a passenger about this very topic when he asked me who my teams were. Over the last two years, I've heard people say Mookie wanted to leave Boston and that's why they traded him. I never believed that shit. It was all about being fairly compensated as one of the best players in baseball. The Red Sox supposedly offered him 10 years, 300 million and Mookie countered with a deal north of 400 mill and instead of further negotiation with the best player the club developed since Yaz, they shipped him west for Malibu's Most Wanted and a bag of balls.
During the ASG festivities this week, Mookie confirmed to Chris Gasper of the Boston Globe (John Henry propaganda rag) he would've stayed. via: the Globe
I asked Mookie if he would’ve taken that contract to stay with the Sox. Anger management class sign-ups might be about to skyrocket in Massachusetts.
“Absolutely, I just didn’t get it,” said Betts without hesitation. “That’s the argument. I didn’t get it, so that’s why I am where I am.”
Now of course, it's a lot easier to say that two years later, but I fundamentally believe Mookie. He would've stayed if the Sox gave him a fair offer, and yes, 300 million over 10 years was not a fair offer for someone who was 2018 MVP, batting champ, 4x All-Star, 4x Top 8 MVP finisher, 4x Gold Glove winner and 4x Silver Slugger in Boston.
Instead, John Henry is worried about the Pittsburgh Pirates and being a soulless lizard person. I realllly want to care about the Sox again, but if they aren't gonna pay Rafael Devers, I'm all the way out. There's no point in getting emotionally invested in an organization that isn't willing to do whatever it takes to win or treat its employees (players) with a shred of dignity. Trading Mookie was fully a money-saving move. They fucking gave up David Price too, and didn't get nearly enough in return. How about some of that Dodger pitching? I have to stop this blog or anger myself into bursting a blood vessel or some shit. Fuck John Henry. He has no problem giving out horrible deals to already breaking down Chris Sale, Pablo Sandoval and Rusney Castillo (WHO HADN'T PLAYED BASEBALL IN LIKE 2 YEARS WHEN THEY SIGNED), but when it comes to homegrown guys who helped you win a World Series (Lester, Mookie, soon to be Raffy and Xander) it's time to kick rocks. Fuck John Henry FOR-EV-ER! He doesn't care. It's just another business to him. I can't wait until the day he's no longer the owner.
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